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Welcome to the Dark Side....It's calm, it's quietly ominous, ...the tornado's are gathering in the O

About Me



CLICK HERE! I thrive in the darker, more sensual side of life and nature, a dichotomy of compliments in all its aspects, seriousness melded harmonously with humour....To Touch another's Skin beneath the Barrier of a Fine Fabric... The Plaintive Strains of a Lone Violin amidst Thunderous Music....A beautiful piece of art by an unknown artist,a fabulous book, ...Pink Pj's and Black Lingere'....Skinny Puppy,Johnny Cash....Poe and Family GuyWanton Passion coupled with Luxerious Aggression....A Cold Beer and Pizza, a very Dry Martini...Black Pearls and Silk Bindings around my Eyes...My Doc's, My Stilletto's....My Tattered Black Ballgowns, my Blood Splattered Scrubs.....I'm a Humanist, a Political activist, and a Witch by birthright guided by the hand of my Mother's teachings and an extended family of displaced Romani. My degree is continuing in Religious Studies, cultural and anthropoligical...a useless choice finacially, as it just promises death over an old computer in a one room apartment with my head buried in some smelly old manuscript. O' Well. My Love is Emergency Medicine in all it's 'noir grandeur'.I despise Bush, The Canadian Conservatives, spider's balloons (yeah,yeah...go ahead and laugh),boys who have Mac makeup and I have Maybeline, drama queens,idolization, and people who are so politically correct, they've gone full circle and found their head stuck up their ass. Take a pill. No wait..I'll give you one. I believe sincerely that life is meant to be lived in the drama and joy of theatre without the imagined emotion.
... ...

My Interests


CLICK HERE!I'm currently working on a book called Dear Jesus. Funny that it would be written by a practicing witch. The focus is not on the man himself but rather a mostly humerous 'conversation' with him about people, for example, like Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, George Bush etc.My love of writing has also, unexpectedly lead to the focus of 'Editing' which has opened up a whole new field for me. I'm excited about this...but we'll see where it goes.As mentioned in the 'Books' I read, my fascination with genetic memory, combined with geneology has lead me through some wonderous adventures. On my mom's side, my grandfather was an Austo-Hungarian Gypsie (Rom) who had waundered Eastern Europe and spoke 5 languages. My grandmother was right off the boat from Iceland. Because my mom pretty much raised me, it was these two cultures that enveloped my upbringing. I find it amazing when my granddaughter stays with me for a night, as I will sing her to sleep with old Icelandic lullabys brought up from deepest recesses of my memory.I love making medivel dress from the finest fabrics, so sensual, but labour intensive...I paint, I draw, and my job in E.R..I love it. Though I rarely socialize with anyone outside of work, the E.R team is one of what I call an intimate macabre' family, as the things we confront each minute, each hour, and though humerous at times, is best left behind closed doors. At the same time, this drama of humam tradegy binds us a unit that's difficult to penetrate or explain to the outside world......And of course I enjoy one hell of a girls night doesn't happen very often, thank god, since as I get older, recovery time is longer.....

Aquilla Rage

I'd like to meet:

* Poolan Devi * John Waters * Aubrey Beardsley * Brian May * Ghandi * Queen Elizabeth's butler after I've given him a few martinis * Last Tsar of Russia * Divine * Johnny Cash * George Bush so I could turn him into a Toad and flush him down the toilet * Marlene Dietrich * Gorden Ramsey * my unknown, but still wandering Rom relatives in Eastern Europe CURRENT MOON moon phase


..Sisters of Mercy * Skinny Puppy * LockJaw * Headwig and the Angry Inch * The Ravanettes * Revolting Cocks * Aretha Franklin * Sons of Freedom * Soul Fly * Tom Jones * Super Suckers * Ministry * Melanie * The Doors * The Cult * Maria Del Mar and National Velvet * Nine Inch Nails * Iggy Pop * Bauhaus * Alien Sex Fiend * New York Dolls, Personality Crisis, Honest John, Brian May * Garbage* Otis Redding * Lords of the New Church * Type O Negative * My Dying Bride * Divine .............


-Lacho's Drom- an independent documentary of the history and plight of the Rom(gypsies) in Europe. -Miss Congeniality..I too, have been known to tip over in high heels... Weekend at Bernies (the first one) -The Changling -Practical Magic -The Shining -One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest -Girl Interuppted -The Wicker Man -The Pit and the Pendulum -The Little Mermaid (if you laugh, I'll hurt you..I'm's all about the Sea Witch) Horror...all of it....

Click here for more Gothic Graphics!




Hells Kitchen


Historical Fiction * Poe * Blake * Religious/Cultural Anthropology * Herbology * Philosophy *Russian History * studies on Genetic Memory * looove the Vinyle Cafe', and when I'm really really tired and need some mindless entertainment, the 'Romance Chick Books' chock full of throbbing members, ballgowns and heaving breasts.





My mom- a woman of unconditional love and nonjudgement, a former activist who helped change the face of women in the politcal arena, and who worked tirelessly in women's shelters across the country...and at the same time remained faithful to the belief that EVERY human is worth fighting for, despite the gender.


My Blog

Chicken Wings

The inner-city Catholic hospital where I work, boasts a large red cross on the roof. Its a beacon to the hurt and injured in finding help, as well as a flies to shit welcome for those who just shou...
Posted by Lisa on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 11:15:00 PST

Another Night in the Morgue

Nurse Rachette: Part 1 Another Night in the Morgue                Above all others, October is my favorite month. Warm days, cool nights, ...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 08:21:00 PST

999 - Homicide Grove on Darlings...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 04:20:00 PST

Thrill Kill Kult - Sex on Wheelz (Ralph Bakshi Director) Gotta love it...
Posted by Lisa on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 10:50:00 PST

Don’t Fuck with Me.....

I've been on an insane run at work in the E.R, enough so that it has affected my personal life in terms of not having the energy to blog, read, write, or even know the goddamn  alphabet by t...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:10:00 PST

Another E.R Night

As posted in my update, I knew E.R would be typical of a supremely hot, humid evening, when the throe's of a long winter and wet spring would birth into a sudden summer, bringing out in in some, the e...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 02:34:00 PST

Check out this video: Number 2 Pencil 3

Check out this video: Number 2 Pencil 3 ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Lisa on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 12:49:00 PST

My Fake Tan

   I woke up this morning with not only some kind of flu,, but around 6 this evening while sitting out on the balcony reading some novel,  I noticed in the light that the 'SLIGHTLY...
Posted by Lisa on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:20:00 PST

10 minutes in E.R

     As anyone who works in the medical field, especially the frontlines as I do, it is nearly impossible to express the horror, the humour, the insanity, of working one single shi...
Posted by Lisa on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:52:00 PST

Fans, Supporters, Groupies, and the "Faithfull"

   There are several 'myspace' friends I've known for many years, some over twenty/twenty five years.  I've seen them evolve, from crashing about a dance floor, to raising amazing ...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:22:00 PST