feminist profile picture


About Me

This account is dedicated to all women who can show what being a woman is all about. She must not only have beauty & brains, but the sheer will to show what she's got in her own sassy way... Like Lara Croft, show those guy that you can kick their ass (fair and square)! ------------For those who are SINGLE: Come up on the platform and be proud that you're a Certified Feminist! :) For those who are IN A RELATIONSHIP: Prove to your man that you are not under him. ----------- Testimonial: Everyone will be given a testimonial as soon as she is added in the list... but after I do give one, please be nice gurls and return the favor... :) PLEASE MAKE TESTIMONIALS!!! :( I'm really having a very hard time coping up with the testimonials, so if I miss anyone of you, message me... or better yet message me if you want a testimonial.. thank you so much for your cooperation!!!

My Interests

coffee, pasta, any water sports, chillin', butterflies & dolphins, anything orange

I'd like to meet:

: All women and groups who can live up to being a feminist! Because we will always ROCK!!!!! (Do not message me to add you... please... the e-mail is right below) (For those lucky femmes who were invited, be honored... it only means that the modertors of this profile chose you because you deserve to be here) :) STRICTLY NO GUYS ALLOWED! GUYS STAY OUT OF THIS... YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND... THIS IS OUR THING! .:[email protected]:. [if u have an account at friendster, pls do add dis up..tnx!!]


anything for as long as its not annoying!!


a lot....


gilmore girls,Alias, Smallville, Dawson's Creek, Charmed, Sex and the City, Fear Factor, David Blaine,


The Alchemist, Nicholas Sparks' Books,


my m0m