vacaTions, music, road TRIPS, ^ iCe cReAm & cHokLits',*ReaDiNG a good book*, hangin out wid fWendz!, sHoPpiNg(mostly window shop..hehe),my doggie, biLLiaRdS, boWLiNg, MOVIE marathons!!!, , SLEEPING!!!, bumming on the NET and TV, teXtiNg :), muZiC , HoliDays, parties... ( and alot more. . .)
Adam Brody --- coz he's hilarious / Drew Fuller --- coz he's HOT / Taylor Handley --- coz he's cute / Jude Law --- coz he's sexy --- Jimmy Fallon --- coz he's funny. . . . .but if not i can settle for anyone who can put up with my moods and my absurdity at times...well actually all the time! LOLs. =)
rHythM-&-bLuES, PoP, hiPHop, aCouStic, Punk, SouL. . . (depends on my mood..)
fiNdinG NEMO, troy, 40 daYs&40 niGhTs, 'd sWeeTeSt tHinG, uNfaiThfuL, sWit November, h0w 2 LosE a GUY..., sErendipitY, 50 fiRsT daTes, uPtowN girLs, autumn in new york, win a d8 w/ Tad Hamilton, aLonG cAme poLLy, ALmoSt FamOuS, Love acTuaLLy, rAisiNg HeLen, wIcKer pArK, CLoseR, SassY giRL.. etc... etc...blah!...blah!....
fRiEndS, MTV punk'd, trl, cribs,(anythin on MTV), CHARMED!, sEx & the ciTy, Joan of Arcadia, tHat 70's sHoW, SNL, SimpLe Life, OnE tRee HiLL, LoSt, sMaLLviLLe, the O.C., SponGeBob, A. neXt ToP ModeLs, sCrUbS, LifeStyLe, ArreSteD deVt.,DeSperaTe HouSewiveS ---alot more!!!. . .
the notebook, PERFECT, Almost heaven, Paradise, Da Vinci code. . .