Films, Food, Music, Nasty Sex... you know, the basics. I like the good things in life, an aperitif at the end of the day, "Pastis" preferably. Being from the south of France I love food, friends and to talk for hours for no result! I like to cook as much as I like to eat! And, of course, women... Because it goes with the Frenchness... SOME PICTURES HERE!!!
Both of my Fans...
Old fashion Rock and roll, electronica (mainly European), film sountracks. my favorite bands... Queen, Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones, U2, Garbage, Jeff Buckley, Leonard Cohen. French music too, Renaud, Brel, Cabrel, Brassens and of course, Serge Gainsbourg. I like AIR a lot, Zero Seven, Scissor sisters, Metric, Bent,Trenmoller, Underworld ... And so much more it is almost silly to try to name them.
Star wars (all of them), Casablance, any film by Steven Spielberg (except Hook), Serenity, Gone with the wind, Lawrence of Arabia, the godfather, most of Truffaut's work, Les Uns et les Autres from Claude Lelouch, mie migliori amicci from Etore Scolla. Anything by Paul T Anderson. Of Course, any "Lord of the Rings", 300 Was Great, Loved "irreversible" and "Amelie". lately i liked "the Fountain", "Blood Diamonds" More to come...
Lost, lost and more lost. Firefly, South Park, Battlestar Galactica (old and new), Bill Maher on HBO, Californication, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain, les guignols de l'info (in France). I still miss "les Nuls"...
Many books from "les miserables" to "the celestine prophecy" passing by the works of Camus, Zola, Montaigne, Voltaire, Moliére... French classics in general.
Napoleon, Burton and Speeke, François Mitterand. Any member of the space program, Georges Lucas, my Dad.