Basketball, soccer, football, meeting new people, surfing, hanging out with friends getting wasted,basically any other sport, fashion, dancing,and sometimes beer pong.. And on a serious note, God through Him you can achieve all things...
Anyone that is cool and likes to have a chill time, easy going, and open to try new things.
Anything with a beat, with the exception of crazy techno music and most country.. Hip hop is more on my level
Boondock Saints, Zoolander, Old School, Cruel Intentions, Braveheart, Jarhead, Dumb and Dumber, Butterfly Effect, Goodwill Hunting, Life, Alfie, Wedding Crashers, Elf, Blue Crush, Napoleon Dynamite, Hitch, Snatch, Green Street Hooligans.
FDR the greatest president who ever lived, did everyone know that FDR was in a wheelchair for the majority of the time he held office? My mother, without her i would not have accomplished anything, my sweet and sometimes crazy aunt Winnie, my grandparents and the rest of my family. And anyone who has a dream and is brave enough to follow it.