absinthe, Aesir, Alphonse Mucha, American Indian art, ancient cultures, animals, art, art nouveau, Asatru, Baldur, blackpowder shooting, blacksmithing, bladesmithing, boobs, Buddhism, Celtic art, cheese, computer gaming, coyotes, crafted beer, d&d, deadlands, dreams, drinking, education, erotic art, erotica, family, fire, flintlocks, Freyja, Freyr, gin, guitars, guns, Gustav Klimt, hallucinations, history, homebrewing, horses, Ireland, Irish food, Japanese art, leather, leatherworking, Lisa, love, mead, metal, Mexican food, Mexico, Mjollnir, movies, mushrooms (legal or otherwise), music, my kids, Nightwish, Odin, Odinism, parenting, passion, pirates, power, Ragnarök, Rammstein, reading, robots, rock and roll, roleplaying games, rum, Scotland, Sesrumnir, sex, Shinto, spiritual travel, sushi, swordmaking, swords, tattoos, Tengu, the American west, Thor, travel, ValFreyja, Valhalla, Valkyries, Vanir, vikings, visions, visual arts, weapons, westerns, winter, women, writing, zen, zombies
Whoever wants to be met.
Metal. Classical.Pretty much anything else as long as it doesn't suck.Classic Rock is great. Some country, less rap... Old drinking songs and sea chanties kick ass! Renaissance music is awesome.
Anything involving swords, cowboys, guitars, samurai, vikings, pirates, funnyness, fire, explosives, ninja's, blood, zombies, or sex.And Lilo and Stitch was pretty good too.
Too many to list. You should see my collection.
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