art, jazz, staying up too late, struggling with language, beautiful women, beautiful men, buildings, coffee, punk rock, social justice and the cultivation of an anti-oppression practice, poems, drama, costume, pretending it isn't 2007, history, the catcher in the rye, white anti-racism, dark beer, riding the bus, constructivism, art deco, murals, clove cigarettes, long conversations, big cities
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Rear Window, Frida, Red Lights, What the #@!% Do We Know?, Goodbye Lenin, Fidel, Motorcycle Diaries, The Wizard of Oz
Erich Fromm, Paulo Freire, JD Salinger, Noam Chomsky, Jean Paul Sartre, Zora Neal Hurston, Octavio Paz, Tim Wise, Langston Hughes, Loraine Hansberry, Tennesee Williams, Charles Bukowski, Dylan Thomas, Eduardo Galeano
Paulo Freire Emma Goldman Frida Kahlo Malcolm X Subcomandante Marcos Erich Fromm Dr. King Cesar Chavez Angela Davis James Ettor Eugene V. Debs Jean Paul Sartre Egon Schiele Pablo Picasso Allen Ginsberg Anton Chekhov Georges Braque