Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County profile picture

Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County

I am here for Serious Relationships and Networking

About Me

Frente Contra Las Redadas
del Condado de Ventura (Front Against the Raids - Ventura County) is a community-based collective formed in response to the DHS-ICE (Department of Homeland Security-Immigration and Customs Enforcement ) campaign of raids , detentions, checkpoints, and deportations.
The Migra campaign entails a military-style approach and mass-deportations aimed at terrorizing our communities, in step with Operation ENDGAME (read the full report HERE ) , an ambitious project aimed at uprooting 12 million undocumented workers. In the words of Migra/ICE terrorists, the aim is to brutally "“remove all removable aliens"!
This inhumane and rabid assault on human rights is not a simple question of simply enforcing policies that "are already on the books" - it is an escalated policy of socio-ethnic cleansing applied to our communities , a siege targeting working class and Raza families.

FCR-VC is a community initiative, receiving no corporate funds and having no ties to those in power who are committing these assaults. Only an organized, broadly-based, united local initiative can advance our effort towards community self-defense and security in the face of violent efforts to deprive us of our work, our shelter, our families.
We seek to engage this struggle through the documentation of human rights violations and the formation of rapid response networks based in the barrios and workplaces - eventually spanning Moorpark to Santa Paula, La Colonia to Fillmore, and every corner of our county.
Through building this infrastructure we can ensure the community's awareness, preparedness, and ability to stand up and fight for its dignity. We have the strength to determine our own future, this just requires organized struggle!

May 1, International Workers' Day 2008: March for Dignity

My Interests

Minutemen Shamed, Desperate in Face of FCR Counter-Mobilization!

I'd like to meet:

Organizers and community members committed to social justice, human-dignity, and the self-determination of nuestra gente, the workers and all oppressed who have the power to fight and win.
This requires patience and dedication - we have been organizing actions and holding "Know Your Rights"/"Conozca sus Derechos" sessions in conjunction with allied barrio defense organizations for hundreds of people across the 805 since Spring 2007.

We are ALWAYS in need of people who are interested in contributing REAL STREET WORK, including the monitoring of ICE/OPD/VCSD raids and human rights abuses, regular outreach work (distributing information, leaflets, fliers), hosting events , and face-to-face interfacing within the community.
Our organization is financially independent: we recieve no funding for our efforts from corporate backers, racist/vendido politicians, government proxies/fronts, "poverty pimps", etc. All of our work is funded through our own labor and through material aid from the community.
If you would like to know how to make a donation to this crucial struggle, hit us up at [email protected] .

We must remain forward-looking as the scope of the repression and deportations intensify -
Join the Frente!

Not from Ventura County?
Join the fight - contact some of our compas on our friends page


Frente Contra las Redadas-Front Against the RaidsThe Frente Contra las Redadas (FCR) is a group of students, community members and organizations. FCR-VC organized in early-Summer, 2007, in response to the dramatic increase of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and police checkpoints. We work to educate our community around the issues of ICE raids, checkpoints, and their rights as immigrants.We strongly believe that the tactics used by ICE are a direct attack on the rights of immigrants and their families. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: showing up at schools to take away parents, separating them from their children; using fake warrants to justify their presence in public places and worksites; and the horrific conditions of detention facilities that are overcrowded where medical attention of detainees is commonly refused.In addition, we believe that police "sobriety checkpoints" are in reality another racist assault undocumented residents in the Southland. We do not promote drunk driving but we also recognize the unfair circumstances presently being faced by many undocumented members of the community. Because undocumented migrants are presently without any legal means to obtain driver's licenses or insurance, they are subject to having their cars seized during these "sobriety checkpoints". Furthermore, these car seizures are against the law.We call for an end to the oppressive tactics used by ICE to terrorize our communities.We call for an end to using "sobriety checkpoints" as a pretext for seizing the cars of undocumented community members.We further call for an end to the growing cooperation between the ICE and local police departments.In this respect, we will continue to educate and organize our community to defend and exercise their human rights.


Conozca sus Derechos
Concentration Camps for Profit
May Day 2006


Hit us up for more info!

My Blog


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEInternational Workers Day, 2008:March for Dignity to be held in OxnardVENTURA COUNTY REGIONAL MOBILIZATIONWho: Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado de Ventura What: MARCH FOR DIG...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:53:00 PST

Migra Atrocities in Tejas

"An Extreme Depressive State" Migrant Detention in South Texas By GREG MOSES In a recent landmark report, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights o...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:42:00 PST

FCR-VC Shames SOS, in Defense of Day-Laborers

With only two days’ notice, the Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado Ventura(FCR-VC)’s mobilization against the Minutemen/Peckerwoods was an overwhelming victory for the people of the 80...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST

The Truth About Pre-Dawn Raids (Operation: Return to Sender)

Law school, newspaper seek documents on immigration raids Tue Feb 5, 2008 11:52 am (PST) 6. NY Newsday: Law school, newspaper seek document...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:37:00 PST

FCR Raids & Resistance 01-25-08

JANUARY 18, 2008 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS FACING DEPORTATION BUT CLINGING TO LIFE IN U.S. She is a homeowner, a taxpayer, a friendly neighbor and an American citizen. Yet because she is married to an il...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:35:00 PST

NAFTA 2008 and Mexico’s Agriculture Apocalypse

NAFTA and Mexico's Agrarian Apocalypse Zero Hour By JOHN ROSS At the stroke of midnight this past January 1st, a hundred or so farmers and day laborers from both...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:09:00 PST

Are Our Schools Hunting Grounds for ICE/DHS Agents?

Education Week(Front Page Story)Vol. 27, Issue 03, Pages 1,14-15Published Online: September 10, 2007Published in Print: September 12, 2007With Immigrants, Districts Balance Safety, LegalitiesBy Mary A...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 05:54:00 PST


JANUARY 2, 2008 TUCSON, ARIZONA IMMIGRANT DEATHS UP IN 2007 Documented deaths of migrants in southern Arizona's so-called "Corridor of Death" rose sharply in 2007. Official statistics from the US Bor...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 05:50:00 PST

Migra Sadists Administer Psychotropic Drugs on Deportees With No Prior Psychological Problems

LOS ANGELES - U.S. immigration agents must not sedate deportees without a judge's permission, according to a policy change issued this week. Immigration officials have acknowledged that 56 deportees ...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 05:26:00 PST

1-4-8 Raids and Resistance Report

RAIDSDECEMBER 27, 2007DES MOINES, IOWAIMMIGRANT-RIGHTS GROUPS CRITICAL OF UPCOMING RADIO EVENT Immigrant-rights groups are criticizing the organizers of an upcoming radio event that will promote a cra...
Posted by Frente Contra Las Redadas - Ventura County on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 04:23:00 PST