RockaHulaHoney profile picture


"Beer and sex and chips and gravy..."

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I edited my profile with Thomas̢۪ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'm a mom to 3 wonderful kids, aged 2 years to 15 years. Yup, I'm incedibly busy, so why I'm even attempting this I don't know! My life pretty much revolves around my kids and my husband Shawn. He is one of The Farrell Bros, so our lives revolve around music as well. It's challenging sometimes, but I would not trade it in for anything, besides, if it wasn't challenging, I wouldn't be here. I don't like life to be simple and boring. I don't enjoy predictable. I live in the moment always. It gets me into trouble sometimes, but what the hell. I love to sew, and I love to poke holes in people. I've been piercing for 11 1/2 years. I used to do it full time, but due to so many other commitments it is no longer a main focus. I love clothing, I design, deconstruct, recreate, you name it. I lean more towards pre 1960's in my stylings, and of course I've got a new love for childrens items. Once they hit size 4 the vintage offerings just aren't there anymore?! Music is what keeps me going. There's nothing like hitting the pavement for a 6 mile run with Social Distortion blaring in your earphones, that is my idea of the perfect hour! I'm always up for a live show, and I love to dance. I'll force just about anybody to jive with me, or jump into the middle of a pit! (depending on how drunk I am, I've become a little more of a pussy in my old age lol).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other families or people with similar interests, and or situations. Other parents that are fabulous and wonderful mommies and daddies, but still have their individuality and identities in tact! No soccer moms.... well unless your going to the game sporting yer tattoos, and whatever the hell you had time to jump into that day! Yeah, I'm guilty of driving a station wagon, 3 kids man, gotta put 'em somewhere!


Social Distortion, Mike Ness, all of it! Stiff Little Fingers, AntiNowhere Leage, Fear, The Forgotten Rebels, Amebix, Problem Children, Death Sentence, The Ramones, Johnny Cash, Kim Lenz, GBH, Subhumans, Demented Are Go, The Cramps, Reverend Horton Heat, Ray Campi, Handsome Ned, Carlos and The Banditos, The Farrell Bros., Cock Sparrer, The Opressed, Bughouse 5, Ronnie Hayward, Ray Condo, Skinny McGee, Evan Johns and His H-Bombs, Jane's Addiction, Furnaceface, Macabre, Huelyn Duvall, Joy Division, Leanord Cohen, Tom Waites. That give's you a pretty good idea. I like alot of different music. I get bored real quick listening to the same stuff all the time. I am one of those annoying people that loves a song, but can't tell you who does it, or what it's called, much less which album it's on.


I love to read, but rarely have the time to do it! Children's books are pretty much the extent of my literary endeavors at present. Lovin' Mercer Mayer, Robert Munsch, Kathi Appelt, and the Harry Potter books.

My Blog

Passion....">> You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 07:26:00 PST

Poor dog had to have a bath......

Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 09:53:00 PST

R.I.P Devin Mitchell

R.I.P. Devin Mitchell   We received some very sad news today. A good friend of ours, Devin Mitchell, passed away last night as a result of a snowmobile accident. Devin Was the full time drummer...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:33:00 PST

Ughhh......but on a positive note...

Hello all. I've been pretty lazy with my myspace lately. Busy with exams and such. I'm sick again!! It's awful being sick as a stay at home mom, cause you get no reprieve.It's worth it but geez, befor...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:22:00 PST

I'm a bitch!

I am 49% Asshole/Bitch. 4-4cbe-b0e7-bc17462a412e"> src=" 24a-b2d8-9b47d093da27.gif" alt="Part Time As...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 02:45:00 PST

Yay for me!

I finished my biology course this week with a final grade of 94.8!!!!! I know it's kinda silly but I'm so proud of myself, and more importantly I am totally empowered now. I am going to apply to RRCC ...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Sun, 14 May 2006 09:00:00 PST

Hmmmmmm?.......OK! .jpg" border="0" alt="you are Tom Waits!">Tom Waits...  charismatic story-teller with apenchant for freaky people and unusualsettings.&...
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 08:40:00 PST

Social Distortion

Just one more week till Social D, and a road trip with no kids and no husbands...woooohoooo!!
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:23:00 PST

Too much time

I'm spending way too much time on here. It's getting silly. I put the kids to bed, then I'm on here till midnight, and I've gotta be up for work by 5:30. Must quit the addiction!!!!
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 08:54:00 PST

Yahoo!!!!!!!!! 12.5miles baby!

Yup, I ran 12.5 miles in 2hours and 5 minutes! I fuckin' rock. Sorry, just feelin' a little proud right now. 2 weeks till the marathon, and it feels good to be ready. Cheers!
Posted by RockaHulaHoney on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST