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Mark and Heike &lt;3

I am here for Friends and Networking

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Like everyone who is married, I would like to be much much closer to my husband. Germany is too far away from California. Visa options are not that easy to handle either. So if anyone out there near San Francisco is willing to give me a job and sponsor me, I would very much appreciate it. I am experienced in many different fields. Also any German, who has been through immigration to the US, being in the same situation as me, I would appreciate ANY advice possible.
My resume

Mark about Heike: For me (Mark), my marriage to Heike is my "Beach". There are too many SERIOUS things & obstacles in life and our family life and marriage (relationship) should NEVER be on of those SERIOUS obstacles in life. That is why I love her to bits, because ever since my wife walked into my life, it's been nothing but lighthearted playfulness, TRUE unconditional-nonjudgemental friendship, comfort and a beautiful flow like the waves rolling in at the beach. When i think of or look at my wife, she is my boardwalk on the beach, a solid sound structure we share that has the joy of games and rides together, letting dazs slip by and not worrying too much because we have each other to count on, where there is alwazs a joyous "sound" from the entertainment we share and or soothing "sound" from the natural waves of mother earth (our friendship/relationship), where there is ALWAYS a warmth from the sunshin we share with each other, a cool breeye like a breath of fresh air, even when things might get DARK/HARD/SERIOUS there is beauty and light from the stars and moon (us making the best of things for each other even when the path ahead isn't clear), where if we ever want to blaye our won trail the boardwalk is not needed because there is a soft beach we can leave foot steps on together and enjoy making life what we want and not what every day life wants because on a walk at athe beach you can ALWAYS find beautiful life without the structure of "sociatal judgements", and in it all... we have each other and the environment we choose to find joy's and romance in. Heike is just like the beach to me, beautiful, straight forward, brilliant and amazing, eye opening, exciting, always fun, soothing and comforting, none judgemental, STRONG and independent, true to who she is and what she stands for, always willing to learn what is around her and accept new life/opinions, a sense of family and belonging, she brings me smiles and adventures, she engulfs me with ALL she is just like the beach/ocean would and in that place with her everything feels perfect because I have her as my best friend, AMAZING wifie. I love you Sweetie and appreciate all you are to me. I know life is not always easy, but you make life better and I DEEPLY APPRECIATE your unconditional, none judgemental love, devotion, support, friendship and caring. You ARE what I have searched the world for and I am finally complete now that I have found my treasure chest in you Sweetie... I love you Heike.
Heike about Mark: Mark has shown me what it really means to fell loved and be loved. With the little things he is able to do, he has managed more than others have, who had all the things and abilities in the world to do whatever. Mark is a person who, even in his situation, always cares for others. In him I found everything I ever looked for in a man. He is sensitive, has a fantastic sense of humor and even understands my sense of humor. The first person who knows when to take me serious and when to laugh about me. The first person/man I know who rather talkes then argues. Who loves to show his feelings with whatever he can. There are so many reasons why I love this man and why I married him against all odds. I have heard so many horrible remarks because I don't hide my husband, I have seen so many heads shaking. But so far, everyone who had the guts to get to know him, came back to me and told me what a great person he is. I challenge everyone who is shaking their heads at us, to come and get to know us and you soon find out, why I love this man so much, and why I stand by him no matter what. Apart from my daughter and my grandaughter, Mark is my life, my everything, my world and the one who showed me true love and who showed me what a soulmate really is. Getting into a relationship with Mark and even take the steps to be his wife, was the best decision I have ever made. If everyone had a little of him inside, the world would be so much better. Yeah yeah I know what some will say.. as I said: I challenge you-get to know him, take your time and you feel like christmas day 365 days a year.

My Interests

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Some of our dreams-our secret<>

Some of a trailer I made with Freelance reporters. GERMAN!

Some of Marks art.. some of which is for sale

We both have a lot of interests and are always after learning new things.
Mark likes to draw, read and he absolutly loves his Nascar racing.
Heike is interested in Psychology and Forensic Science, likes to make Dreamcatchers and lays Tarot Cards.

I'd like to meet:

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We both like to listen to almost everything. 70's, 80's a bit of Metal a bit of classic.. you name it.

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Les Brown a wonderful motivationWilliam MartinMahatma Gandhi: You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Mahatma Gandhi: Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.
Mahatma Gandhi: Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.
Martin Luther King Jr.: In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.: It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important.
Martin Luther King Jr.: Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
Martin Luther King Jr. : Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King Jr. : Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King Jr.:Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr. : Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'
Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 1963
We have a dream too....
Heike would love to meet Jane Elliot and Martin Luther King.
On Dec 02 a friend of mine took me to see the Jersey Boys. Since then I am gone with the wind with what I have seen. All four main actors were just wonderful, even though I do have three favourites for different reasons. I hope that one day I am so lucky to be able to see each of them again. Christopher Kale Jones, Deven May, Michael Ingersoll I love you to bits.


Want to be motivated?


Jane Elliott - A class devided

Martin Luther King - I have a dream


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Heikes hero is Mark, because he is able to keep up his spirit and look forward even though his circumstances are not exactly flatering. She also admires Jane Elliot, for the great work and dedication she has towards setting a new equality standard. She came up with an amazing experiment, which just shows how easy a human being is able to change into the worse and back. And that everyone one of us can come into a situation like this. Her experiment has shown me (Heike) that none of us is able to say "It will never happen to me" and that none of us have the right to judge over people who came into a situation where they knowledge of fairness and being good failed to work. Heike also loves Martin Luther King. He speaks for himself. The speach "I have a dream" gives me (Heike) shivers every time I hear it. He was such a strong man who we can learn a lot from. It is not just about being black or white, it's about being different and loving the differences, being able to love unconditionaly, being able to see behind that big black curtain of mistakes and faults. I have a dream too...
Mark says:
Hum... are you wondering who MY (Mark) hero is?? Well, don't worry... I'm not gonna name Spiderman, Batman & Robin, or Wonderwoman. Ha! I don't think there is such a "one dimensional" "Hero Figure" unless we wanna live in a "comic" or "fantasy land". I really do not have a "Hero" in the sense of the word OR the "Stereo-tye" of what a hero is supposedly supposed to be, BECAUSE I STRONGLY BELIEVE there IS a hero with-in ALL OF US. I mean a hero doesn't just leap & bound tall buildings pulling people out of a burning building or car, or stop a train from going off it's tracks. A HERO in my eyes is a human being, willing to step out of his or her own comfort zone & take action ON A REGULAR BASIS for a cause they believe in, WHATEVER the CAUSE may be (helping kids/teens fell cared for & worthy, global warming, homeless people, the war, single moms, the elderly, for rehabilitation in prisons, to stop the Death Penalty, to clean up a park or get a park somewhere, etc etc etc). Stepping outside of your "DAILY ROUTINE", maybe there is a elderly person who needs help across the street, or his-her grass cut or fence fixed, a homelss person who needs shoes or a coat or meal, or a single mom who could use some sort of help, or a kid in your neighborhood or a couple houses away... tho these "strangers" may be someone you've never talked to or interarcted with, does not mean we have to fear them or avoid them. It can be a learning experience for you to start some inter-action between you and them and at the same time you can be a hero. Maybe that kid down the street or homeless person looks "unlikable" for WHATEVER the reason may be... but maybe your reaching out can help them and you'll be a hero to them. Maybe that homeless person is a war vet or a average joe/jane who just had a bit of hard luck hit them, or that kid down the street maybe his/her homelife or social life is hard for him/her to grasp, maybe you going home and getting a jacket or old pair of shoes, old stuff toy you or your kids don't use anymore to give to them, OR pulling out a basketball or a toy remote control car to play with them will cheer these people up give them some hope that someon cares about them. At the same time maybe your doing so will teach and OR inspire your kid/nephew, neighbor, friend and or family member to become a hero in their own way like you took the action to do so. This WORLD we live in today is moving too fast and can be too short, people get TOO caught up in their own world and or in front of their computers, cell-phones & televisions. A Hero to me is someone who put's those "daily routines & entertainment appliances " DOWN/ASIDE and goes to do things he or she believes in that can help their community & or our world. Our hearts, caring, time and beliefs ARE OUR TOOLS to being the HERO WE ALL HAVE SOMEWHERE INSIDE OF US. It doesn't take money to be a hero, it takes your personality to stand up for who you are and what you believe in. Our world needs MORE heros because we can not continue to live in fantasy land, because Superman, Wonderwoman, nor Batman & Robin are gonna come to the worlds rescue. It IS OUR job, WE have the tools let's use them HEROS. Our world NEEDS a tender touch, it's too harsh & the world is EATING US UP too much and TOO fast. "Quality Living" is NOT having the BEST things in our lives, BUT RATHER "Quality Living" is quantitiy in good things and there are tunes of GOOD things WE CAN DO in our lives on a regular basis. If a kid can start a fund-raiser to buy kids clothing in another third world country, or bulletproof vest's for our police dogs and or soldiers by collecting pennies/change and or cans... we adults can certainly reach out and do SOMETHING. I wish I had someone to be MY HERO.. HELP. It doesn't hurt to take part in this thing we call "Life", if we take part we CAN REALLY BE "LIVING". Let's start a "CHAIN OF HEROISM" that inspires others to HELP OUR NEIGHBORHOODS/COMMUNITIES/WORLD ALSO. I STRONGLY BELIEVE a HERO is someone who takes action, to help, to care for, to teach valuable lessons and to want BETTER quality living within our communities. IT IS WORTH IT!

My Blog

Falls Confessions

The case Chris Ochoa shows how easy it is for someone can be forced to give falls confessions. Europe and Alaska for instance have acknowledged that and are videoing every police questioning on tape. ...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:11:00 PST

Frank Moore

Here we are, a little time on our hands.. should we not use the time in a positive way, rahter than waiting till it it 5 min before midnight? Frank Moore needs signatures, Frank Moore needs aktive sup...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 01:12:00 PST

Independence Day

Since my husband likes July 4 Independence Day so much, I thought I make a blog about it and what my thoughts are. Yes I am not American.. still I have thoughts on this, just like Americans have thoug...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 10:44:00 PST

Bulletins, causes and the way they help to abolish the DP

First of all.. I do NOT want to offend anyone.. if you feel offended, maybe you should ask yourself why. These are purly my thoughts, my concerns. I have been thinking a lot lately, because I have not...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:33:00 PST

California Death Penalty Report

Since I have noticed that only Texas stuff is passed on and around.. Here is the Report on Californias Death Penalty. It is brilliant and damn good news so far...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 01:11:00 PST


I noticed that lately everyone is starting causes. In a way a nice thought, what I don't understand why there are so many the same. There is no point fighting in 10 small groups. It would be more effe...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST

video 2, the relaxing time after the walk 4 life support

The day ending - MyVideo...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Sun, 18 May 2008 01:09:00 PST

The video Walk 4 Life support in Germany

Walk 4 Life support Cologne May 17 - MyVideo...
Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Sun, 18 May 2008 12:02:00 PST

My Cologne signs... Theyll be hanging on me

Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:52:00 PST

Flyersupport for May 17- Flyer für den 17 Mai. in Köln

Posted by Mark and Heike <3 on Sun, 04 May 2008 10:11:00 PST