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About Me

Check it out: Tigertatzis Forum andMy Feminism-Forum since 2008 and:(My) New Age Forum since 2007 =FEMININSM/ART/POLITICS ~+~ My Old Forum =FEMINISM/ART/POLITICS(2004-2007) ~~~You must not be named Einstein, to study here, Newton. ~~~NRW = country full of contrasts ;-) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The freenet-lyrics by me you can read here: freenet-my lyrics there ~~~ The freenet-Philosophy-Forum I have grounded 2003 you can visit here: freenet-philosophy-Forum my nick there: Jeannie43. There I was also Feng Shui-expert: freenet-Reiki-Forum For translation you can use this:~~~ ======================================= In my own forum I prefer to stay alone most of the time, I use it like a blog with cathegories: (2004-2007) you can read here: Old Forum~translation ===~~~=== Enjoy it! ;-) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"Illum inated", Acryl on canvas, 2007 (C02) Jeannette-Anna Hollmann ;-), for you!========================== ========================== ========================== ==========================Typical bureaucratical politicers in those days: You don..t believe, but the earn money! ==================== ============================================================ =======Layout made by Kamakazidvr

My Interests

Feminism/Art/Politics...Ok! MUSIC! Cologne-City-Nippes, car and bike lines painted by me 1995, today: 22.08.07, took 2 weeks for 2 miles, shortly before hollidays...Puh! 7 planes, 1x0.7m for the handworkers and 2x7 planes before and ca. 20 detail-planings...Puh! That was work! But one of the harmless... Circle-Traffic including bike-traffic is more complicate to plan and to paint, most complicate were the railway-stations between Cologne and Bonn I have made in the 90th including the stations for bike-traffic...! You can look at it here: Planerbüro Südstadt-Köln But without knowing this I wouldn..t know today, what it means to plan egologically - a very important planing for the climate situation, for women (cause most here drive on bike in Cologne) and for children. Men? In Germany? - They always wants to drive Porsche or Mercedes and make CO2 (although women do it, but not most of them as God will save that!)... Therefore bike-traffic is important to make more comfortable... And of course: Buildings: They must be constructed with Solar-energy... You can do it! Only decide for it and help to save the worldwide-climate-probs we have!We don..t need any longer words to change the climate situation! We need facts! Since yesterday!!!So to my German friends I will give the advertisment for energy:Don..t financiate any longer the failure (Strom) coming by the firms which worked together with atomgroups, change your direction and realise it!With:EWS-Schönauorgreenpeace-energy !!!And look at: ============================ My political-ghosty friend in Germany: Ralph Giordano ===============================Thank you!;-)Jeannette-Anna Hollmann~ If Bush, Sarkozy and Merkel are gone... Fuck that bullshit!!!- Look at the realy situation of the Golden Gate Bridge! She is built with paper!!! Hitler was bad. He was a murderer. He wants to conquerer all of the world. And now? There is a fellow, which doesn..t realize the climate situation, only thinks in wars! Every money he could get, he invested in it. What is there at the other side of the world??? Marshall-plan has helped us. Now we must help them!

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And this... drawn exactely 7 month before 11.09.01! I saw it! I couldn..t imagine why I drew it so and not otherwise. Ok, it has much to do with my job, I done in that time (painting traffic), but sometimes I can see the future before (Is it called: clairvoyant?) and that..s of course interesting many people, but for myself it..s not so good sometimes...;-)===================Giordanos words to the 11.09.2007 you can read here: Kölner Rede ~ Ralph Giordano===================This...called "Without head" I drew in 2000. It..s made in oil on canvas. Every lesbian-girl, with whom I was wanted to have. Always if you fall in love you behave something stupid, your head left you and you get things which are romantical - you normaly behave otherwise. Every woman knows that ;-) If you realy fall in love, it..s no sex, it..s erotic. Equal how it ends: You have seen the light between her beautifull eyes, you have given power and gotten power forgotten your life before may be...with always consequences in your own behaviour! But if the feeling is more intensive and bigger inside it is the pleasant feeling of "Without head". Love I think today I could only say as the French: Today I will love you forever. Or can one of you look into future?My drawings are not for sale, because they are from my soul. Which prize costs soul? - And there you have a problem may be like the singers, which must give always something from their soul - Respect! - I would like you to enjoy my drawings ;-) . Most of them you can see here: photobucket ~ Jeannette-Anna I made them just for fun as my hobby and I always didn..t want to learn art, because the drawings come from my soul...There doesn..t exist any technic! I am technical painter in job, but with drawings I prefer to make experience on my own. I only can make a present with them for persons, with whom I feel a common spirit of living.

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New Age (My) Forum = musics

Check it out: (My) Old Forum = musics = My pplaylists


Nell, artists films; theater: Madame Butterfly, Virginia Wulve, FaustI+II, Pina Bausch (Ballett), u.v.m.; Oper:Zauberflöte, Bilder einer Ausstellung, Aida, Perseus, etc...


Ich gucke kaum TV, ausser, es ist was drinnen. - I don..t enjoy to look TV so much, only sometimes, if there is anything about art or the news in the world *lol* ???????????????


Yes, of course books! ;-); my newest book is the internet! ;-))


.. ============== My grandmother (had been a drawing-artist, but unknown because of the, Jodie Foster (three days younger than me) and all artist-women...;-), Esther (Madonna). One of the greatest artists was Frida Kahlo. In paintings it were the German Escher and Hundertwasser = most of architects here love them! ; the old and the youngest murdered Van Gogh... In poetic I like Paul Celan, in literatur Hermann Hesse, Rita Mae Brown, Simone De Beauvoir, Alice Schwarzer, ...Oh! It..s too much now ;-) Sorry! - In those time I like Segolene Royal, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, but in every sense a woman, who could win the next US-ballot to fight against wars and for a better climate-situation if it acts about nothing more important than saving the security for having breathe (O2) at our golden planet. Women: "If we don..t do anything today, we will live tomorrow like the day before yesterday!"=================My Ex-friend, dying in 2007, constructing the Cockpit of the A380 (Airbus) till the end of 2006: Always on my mind.

My Blog


For other languages: Please use the translators.Was sind "hetero-soziale" Lesben? Lesben dürften bis ins 3. Jtsd nicht heiraten, hatten also nie steuerliche Vorteile, bzw. mindestens dadurch immer ...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

Verschwende Deine Liebe.../ Waste your Love...

Wenn Du einem kleinen Kind Deine Aufmerksamkeit schenkst, Dich auf es einlässt, mit ihm spielst, ihm Freude schenkst - kurz ihm die Bestätigung gibst, dass es liebenswert ist - dann trägst Du ein Stüc...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:47:00 PST

The meaning Of "Listen"

Zuhören / Listen   Wenn ich dich bitte, mir zuzuhören und du beginnst, mir Ratschläge zu geben, hast du nicht das gemacht, worum ich dich gebeten habe. Wenn ich dich bitte, mir zuzuhören und du b...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:14:00 PST

Sich beobachten, heisst, sich verändern / To look at oneself means to change

Sich beobachten heißt sich verändernEin sehr klarer Kopf und scharfer Beobachter hat geschrieben, allen Gefühlen läge Neid zugrunde, sogar der Freundschaft. Ich habe diesen Menschen näher kennengelern...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:57:00 PST

My heart is kissing your soul

My heart is kissing your soul Your eyes sinking Deep into mys Flashlosting staying Moments without remembers Our souls agrees ...winding... swinging resonances.   Breathless silence Dripping swe...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:07:00 PST

Was Du nicht siehst / What you don´t see

(Für A.) Du siehst mich an, siehst mein Gesicht, und glaubst,  Du würdest alles seh'n.  Doch meine Seele siehst Du nicht,  Du wirst mich niemals ganz versteh'n.  Du siehst nur das...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST


Ich habe mich während meines Architektur-Studiums ausführlich mit Heiz und Klima-Technik beschäftigt...Auch im Physik-Lk haben wir bereits 82 berechnet, dass es weltweit eine Klimakatastrophe zum Jahr...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:41:00 PST

Die letzte Nacht

Die letzte NachtDu bist weit wegvon hierund dennoch so nahbei mirdie Zukunftist eine Fahrtins Ungewissein der wir einanderversprachenDeinen Abschiedskussauf den Lippenweiss ichdass Duwiederkommst.Eine...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:39:00 PST


Wenn es selbst in der Mathematik eine Chaostheorie gibt, d.h. bestimmte Dinge nicht berechenbar sind, kann man auch keinen Einfluss aufs Klima in der Form nehmen, wie es die Wissenschaft versucht, da ...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 06:28:00 PST


Selket:"Du sahst mich in kurzen, heimlichen Momenten, als du an den Tod dachtest. Während du an einem Friedhof vorbeigingst oder jemanden, den du geliebt hattest, zu Grabe trugst, war ich da. Ich trag...
Posted by Jeannette-Anna on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 02:38:00 PST