Feminism/Art/Politics...Ok! MUSIC! Cologne-City-Nippes, car and bike lines painted by me 1995, today: 22.08.07, took 2 weeks for 2 miles, shortly before hollidays...Puh! 7 planes, 1x0.7m for the handworkers and 2x7 planes before and ca. 20 detail-planings...Puh! That was work! But one of the harmless... Circle-Traffic including bike-traffic is more complicate to plan and to paint, most complicate were the railway-stations between Cologne and Bonn I have made in the 90th including the stations for bike-traffic...! You can look at it here: Planerbüro Südstadt-Köln But without knowing this I wouldn..t know today, what it means to plan egologically - a very important planing for the climate situation, for women (cause most here drive on bike in Cologne) and for children. Men? In Germany? - They always wants to drive Porsche or Mercedes and make CO2 (although women do it, but not most of them as God will save that!)... Therefore bike-traffic is important to make more comfortable... And of course: Buildings: They must be constructed with Solar-energy... You can do it! Only decide for it and help to save the worldwide-climate-probs we have!We don..t need any longer words to change the climate situation! We need facts! Since yesterday!!!So to my German friends I will give the advertisment for energy:Don..t financiate any longer the failure (Strom) coming by the firms which worked together with atomgroups, change your direction and realise it!With:EWS-Schönauorgreenpeace-energy !!!And look at: Robinwood.de ============================ My political-ghosty friend in Germany: Ralph Giordano ===============================Thank you!;-)Jeannette-Anna Hollmann~ If Bush, Sarkozy and Merkel are gone... Fuck that bullshit!!!- Look at the realy situation of the Golden Gate Bridge! She is built with paper!!! Hitler was bad. He was a murderer. He wants to conquerer all of the world. And now? There is a fellow, which doesn..t realize the climate situation, only thinks in wars! Every money he could get, he invested in it. What is there at the other side of the world??? Marshall-plan has helped us. Now we must help them!
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Nell, artists films; theater: Madame Butterfly, Virginia Wulve, FaustI+II, Pina Bausch (Ballett), u.v.m.; Oper:Zauberflöte, Bilder einer Ausstellung, Aida, Perseus, etc...
Ich gucke kaum TV, ausser, es ist was drinnen. - I don..t enjoy to look TV so much, only sometimes, if there is anything about art or the news in the world *lol* ???????????????
Yes, of course books! ;-); my newest book is the internet! ;-))
My grandmother (had been a drawing-artist, but unknown because of the 2.world-war), Jodie Foster (three days younger than me) and all artist-women...;-), Esther (Madonna). One of the greatest artists was Frida Kahlo.
In paintings it were the German Escher and Hundertwasser = most of architects here love them! ; the old and the youngest murdered Van Gogh...
In poetic I like Paul Celan, in literatur Hermann Hesse, Rita Mae Brown, Simone De Beauvoir, Alice Schwarzer, ...Oh! It..s too much now ;-) Sorry! - In those time I like Segolene Royal, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, but in every sense a woman, who could win the next US-ballot to fight against wars and for a better climate-situation if it acts about nothing more important than saving the security for having breathe (O2) at our golden planet. Women: "If we don..t do anything today, we will live tomorrow like the day before yesterday!"=================My Ex-friend, dying in 2007, constructing the Cockpit of the A380 (Airbus) till the end of 2006: Always on my mind.