SENDAERO. "Its one of those times when something beautiful up and pops through the pavement without anyone else having a thing to do with it: Sendaero, five kids from a cul-de-sac who make tender and slow pop songs like its all theyve ever done. Singer Carole has a voice youve been waiting to hear for yearssinging near you, if not for you or to youand the boys behind her know just how to give her the room she needs. Someone should sign something with this band because there are one million moony kids who will use Sendaero songs to voice the declarations theyre too timid to make themselves." (Chris Ziegler) OCWEEKLY-"Yet there was still more sugar to be heaped on top of this already to-die-for night: show closersand the prized object of Chris Zieglers obsession Sendaero, who constructed a wall of sometimes light pop, sometimes heavy rock behind lead singer Caroles always heavy, sexy, sad voice. Afterward, I could do nothing but exit in quiet disbelief." OCWeekly"A standard mix of guitars, bass, drums and vocals works for most band bands, but the members of Orange County's Sendaero a indie/folk/pop/Americana band say less is not more. The use of a wide variety of musical tools, such as keyboards, harmonicas, xylophones, banjos, theremins, pedal steel, mandolin, saws and accordions, sets Sendaero apart from its peers both sonically and visually.Long Beach Press -TelegramThe Sounds When we move Comp 3$
ann lynn
the blank tapesthe boyish charms
gingerbread patriotssatellite class
spiderthe world record
the awesome cover artwork was done by carly