We've been a band for the best part of two years, and now decided it's best to just call it a day, we had a few member changes, Conor (dancing mushy pea) Rowney (Love you) and have had milllions and millllionnns of good times road tripping, gigging, hanging out and playing songs that we love, but when it becomes more of a chore its sometimes not worth it anymore.
Everything we did we put 100% of our hearts into, and we couldn't do that anymore so we are ending things on a positive note.
So this goes out to everyone whos ever seen us, listened to us, spoke to us, or been in some way affected by foley,(like the girls we were too good for),whether you hated us loved us, or just wished certain members would shut up, we love you all.
Remember how we grew up (don't forget us)
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