Riding our Motorcycles, Enjoying the Brother and Sisterhoods, Helping our fellow Veterans. Seeing new places and meeting new people.****************************
Myspace Countdown Clocks at WishAFriend.com
Sand Creek Massacre & Fort
Marion P.O.W. Descendants’
Gathering and Powwow 2008
May 23-26th
Cheyenne & Arapaho Powwow Grounds Concho, Ok
• Recognition of all Sand Creek and Ft Marion POW Descendants
• Educational Seminars on the history of Sand Creek and the Prisoners
of Fort Marion
• Honoring of the Memory of Chief John Sipes and all Veterans
Inviting all descendants of the C&A Sand Creek Massacre and KCA
Prisoners of War, all societies, and Royalty!
Vendors are welcome for information and registration call:
CVMA Contacts:
Angel 405-408-0337
Dallas 405-320-2013
Hotel Info
Best Western 405-262-6528
Super 8 405-262-8240
Super 8 Hotel is booked for CVMA
Sanctioned Run for CVMA
We have Chapters in alot by not all states yet. We are continuously growing in our numbers. You can Learn More about our Association by going to our National Website at: www.combatvet.org To Join our Association you must own a bike that is 500 cc's or bigger and must be able to provide a copy of your Military ERB or DD FM 214 showing that you were in a COMBAT ZONE and a COMBAT VET. We are looking for VET's that are interested and want to be a part of something great, and be active. We do not Prospect. You pay your dues and you become a Member, Spouse's may join as Auxillary Members and We can have Supporters. Supporters must have been in the Military just were not deployed to a Combat Zone.
All of our Fellow Brothers and Sisters that are Combat Veterans and Everyone else serving or that has served in the U.S. Armed Forces.