TULSA, YOU, and what YOU have to put. MUSIC, Advertising, architecture, ART, MUSIC,..show us something, books..the good ones, dance..with me?..love dancers who know how, and especially those who try.., MUSIC, design..hip..clean..cool..crisp, events, faith, fashion..classy, ART, film..definitely, MUSIC global awareness, ART, hope, life, love..love you when you smile,ART, MUSIC, music..yeah..music..got to have music, nature, MUSIC, news, peace, people, ART, photography..you know when you've got it going.., poetry..love it, politics..we dare you, theater, religion, MUSIC, science...string theory, ART, spirituality, writing, you..and you again, especially YOU and what you have to say, and what you have, show us-- Put it here.