THE PEARLS profile picture


the world is like an oyster

About Me

One chilly night this last January, while waiting on a subway in New York, Mike Kelly (one quarter of The Pearls) said it best… “This world’s an oyster…a big giant oyster.” As he opened his hands slowly for grand effect he finished…“Open it up…there we are…The Pearls.” I don’t think Mike knew he was loosely paraphrasing Shakespeare’s comedy, The Merry Wives of Winsdor, because I know Mike (and I know that Shakespeare was the furthest thing from his mind). The important thing is that he truly seemed and seems excited (and supremely confident) about this fresh new group called The Pearls.The other three Pearls are Andy Skib, Tony Chavez and Jocelyn Hughes. The three guys play acoustic guitars (Andy and Tony play electric guitars sometimes) and sing a lot. Jocelyn (the girl) sings and also plays the violin (on some songs it sounds a little like a fiddle but don’t tell her that…).Andy's voice is utterly amazing and in every way sincere. Tony belts out stellar high harmonies and the occasional lead…right there on top of everything. Jocelyn is a classically trained violinist who sings like you wanna hear her. Mike...I already told you the oyster story. Take that story and add song writing and performing ingenuity like I haven't seen since Tom Petty. The four of them come together to make some truly classic, melodic and highly listenable acoustic-driven-pop-rock-country-folk-not-polka-music.The Pearls are incredibly unique against the current landscape of today’s music. Not just because of the instrumentation (they play plain old acoustic guitars, classic violins, beat up Rhodes pianos and a B3 organ that takes a few minutes to warm up) and not just because of the killer songs (they sing honest tunes with beautiful melodies…charming yet poignant lyrics wrapped inside tons of harmonies). The Pearls are special because they take music back to simple, moving, and engaging songs that make you remember why you listen in the first place.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/8/2007
Sounds Like: the pearls
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


well we are off. off to burbank. just talked to zac maloy and he said " where the hell are you guys the weather is wonderful here in southern california and the hotel is right across the street from a...
Posted by THE PEARLS on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 11:17:00 PST

A lingering question.

People are always asking me the same old question: "What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle?" While a lot of jokes can be inserted as the answer here, such as "about $10,000!" or "no one ...
Posted by THE PEARLS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

MIKEKELLY 2/28/07 6:33 pm

so! andy and i are at rosewater(zac maloy's studio where all the pearls magic happens) and we just tracked acoustic guitar on the song "nobody ever told her" .a very catchy song tony and jocelyn wro...
Posted by THE PEARLS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

FINALLY My Space is Your Space!

Welcome to the Official Pearls Myspace! I know a lot of you have been asking us to make one so we finally decided to get with it. Please tell all of your friends to get on here and take a listen or ...
Posted by THE PEARLS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST