WekerOne profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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About Me:

I'm A guy...Um...Yeah.
I try to write storys , Screenplays, Telaplays, commercials, What have ya.
As of yet I have not sold any...BUT I WILL!!!!!
Please GOD let that not be lie.
And Yes I'm a whore Who Wishes to sell out at least a little.
I am a Proud GED holder, In case you wonder why, I droped out of school in the 8th grade due to ASSHOLE teachers, and I'll blame my self a little, My teachers Thought I had my mom wraped around My Finger and that I was stupid so I Gave them exactly what they wanted, I acted dum and got the worst grades in the history of that school.
I'm not proud, I know now it was the stupiest thing I ever did, next to the weird
Al T-Shirt, I know sad...I WAS IN THE 6TH GRADE GIVE ME A BREAK!
Anyways from there I was home schooled till I was 17 then I went and got my GED, YAY!
On top of Writing I try to Act, I wanna Direct movies and TV some day, And I Sculpt, mostly Heads and some Abstract art.
Freankly Abstract is the easiest , you can make anything and it doesnt matter, AWSOME!
I'm A Movie/TV nerd, I've seen most TV shows at least once.
My Dream job Is working on the Resident Evil movies, Acting, Writing, And someday Directing them.
I have Four sisters, Two Have My Space profiles, The screen names escape me at this point.
My sisters are Nicole, Christy, Dana, and Anne.
I allso have two Brothers Named Chris and Keith.
Three of my sisters live in Champaign, Illinois, I'm not sure were Nicole lives right now, and my Brother chris lives in Frankfort, KY and I have not seen my other brother in a few years.
Three of them are Steps, two are Adopted and Christy is my birth Sister.
I allso Play around with make-up Effects.
I Mostly work in blood at this point but I am Trying to teach my self mold making and laytex appliances, Mosters mostly, you know Zombies and... Zombies, well thats all I've tryed so far.
More info later.

I'm A guy...Um...Yeah.
I try to write storys , Screenplays, Telaplays, commercials, What have ya.
As of yet I have not sold any...BUT I WILL!!!!!
Please GOD let that not be lie.
And Yes I'm a whore Who Wishes to sell out at least a little.
I am a Proud GED holder, In case you wonder why, I droped out of school in the 8th grade due to ASSHOLE teachers, and I'll blame my self a little, My teachers Thought I had my mom wraped around My Finger and that I was stupid so I Gave them exactly what they wanted, I acted dum and got the worst grades in the history of that school.
I'm not proud, I know now it was the stupiest thing I ever did, next to the weird
Al T-Shirt, I know sad...I WAS IN THE 6TH GRADE GIVE ME A BREAK!
Anyways from there I was home schooled till I was 17 then I went and got my GED, YAY!
On top of Writing I try to Act, I wanna Direct movies and TV some day, And I Sculpt, mostly Heads and some Abstract art.
Freankly Abstract is the easiest , you can make anything and it doesnt matter, AWSOME!
I'm A Movie/TV nerd, I've seen most TV shows at least once.
My Dream job Is working on the Resident Evil movies, Acting, Writing, And someday Directing them.
I have Four sisters, Two Have My Space profiles, The screen names escape me at this point.
My sisters are Nicole, Christy, Dana, and Anne.
I allso have two Brothers Named Chris and Keith.
Three of my sisters live in Champaign, Illinois, I'm not sure were Nicole lives right now, and my Brother chris lives in Frankfort, KY and I have not seen my other brother in a few years.
Three of them are Steps, two are Adopted and Christy is my birth Sister.
I allso Play around with make-up Effects.
I Mostly work in blood at this point but I am Trying to teach my self mold making and laytex appliances, Mosters mostly, you know Zombies and... Zombies, well thats all I've tryed so far.
More info later.

Any one really, friends, girlfriends, Internet friends, SuperHeroes, Actors, Singers, Crack heads, Dog's, cats,Girls Named Ferrah,A midget Riding a Grayhound, Guy's named Jim bob danny Frank, Anyone really.

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Any one really, friends, girlfriends, Internet friends, SuperHeroes, Actors, Singers, Crack heads, Dog's, cats,Girls Named Ferrah,A midget Riding a Grayhound, Guy's named Jim bob danny Frank, Anyone really.

Who I'd like to meet:

My Interests

Make-Up Effects, Toy customising(I know LAME!), Acting, Writing, AND Sculpting, I love to sculpt and frankly it's what I'm best at...

I'd like to meet:


Honestly, Classical, Songs from the 60's 70's ans 80's. The early 90's has some nostalgia for me. You know a few song's and artists here and there. And I oddly Have a respect for Weird Al and his band. Colin Hay, Fat Rahbit


OH YEAH!!! Dawn Of The Dead (Both Of Them), Night Of The Living Dead(2 of 3), Evil Dead 1-3, Resident Evil 1-2(Give Me a Break), Event Horizon, Robert Rodriguez's work...From Dusk Till Dawn Most of all, The People Under The Stairs, Nightmare On Elm Street 1-6, Wes Cravens New Nightmare, Freddy Vs. Jason, Friday The Thirteenth 1-10(Eh, Jason X is a good way to go to sleep, just like teen wolf), Brain Donors!!!, Ticks, Arachnophobia, Halloween 1-8, RoboCop 1 and 2 (Screw 3), Kids IN The Hall, Brain Candy, OrGasmo, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddless, History of the World: Part I, The Producers, Spaceballs, and any thing else Mel Has or will do. I'll think up more later.


The Kids in The Hall, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Sliders, Quantum Leap, Robot Chicken, SeaLab 2021, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, That's so Raven(don't Ask!), Tail Spin, Angel, Buffy, more to come, Heroes!


Um...Food? Batman, Rogue, War Machine, Steel, The Punisher, Iron Man, Frylock, Godzilla, Mothra, Jackie Chan, Howard The Duck, Alice, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, and Marv.

My Blog

Part 4 Bits from my favorite movie

Brain Donors ...
Posted by WekerOne on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:37:00 PST

Part 3

The Producers in 9:57, By Melanie ...
Posted by WekerOne on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:12:00 PST

Random Vid’s Two

Posted by WekerOne on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:48:00 PST

Random Vids From the Net I love.Part1

Posted by WekerOne on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:36:00 PST

The many Internet shows That consume Me.

Well These are some well produced Vlogg's on the net and I feel all of them deserve some attention so watch rate and subscribe if you like them! http://www.viropop.com/ http://www.indymogul.com/index ...
Posted by WekerOne on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 05:55:00 PST

ME am Not Are frack.

Well Here I am another year and no flying cars. But I am writing again and I get to enjoy...Some alone time.... So WTF I'll post my first blog ever, True I lack the writing ability to do such a thing ...
Posted by WekerOne on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST