Gary Lefty Vieiro profile picture

Gary Lefty Vieiro

"It Is What It Is"

About Me

Memoirs From Lost Love

Interview with Gary “Lefty” Vieiro By Lillian – Music JournalistI am a freelance music journalist for L.A. and N.Y. I met Gary at a live performance in L.A., California. I was intrigued with his unique music and eclectic lyrics. His guitar playing was intense, with atypical chord tones blending beautifully with his unusual voice. Gary was a refreshing change.
Most performers especially in L.A. want publicity no matter what. Suprisingly, Gary did not seem interested in speaking with me . We arranged to meet at Starbucks. Here is a portion of our chat. I hope you find it interesting. I think Gary is an insightful local artist. I feel he will be known by many.
Not just because he looks like Richard Gere.

Q You’ve always been a “lefty” Don’t see many.
A Yes and Yes
Q ”Lefty” to some, means opposite of usual. And your music is opposite of usual
A If usual is todays commercial music, I think it is "All icing no cake". I like cake (chocolate). I personally write and play what comes out at the time. What is unusual today may be usual tomorrow.
Q There is usually a ‘twist’ to your songs. Would you explain that?
A It's been described as “dark positive”
Q Do you always perform with such intensity?
A I like to keep the songs fresh and play them differently on different nights. I get bored easily. Nothing more boring than hearing a song you’ve never heard before and know where it is going before it happens.
Q Are you bored now ?
A No, not yet but close I will let you know (smiles)
Q I like “Survivor” because all of us can relate to that term.
A Yes, everyday we survive on many levels living day to day. Surviving within ourselves is perhaps the hardest.
Q ”Heros” is exactly that. We all have our personal and national heros. Who are yours? Who is your inspiration.?
A Positive caring people who endure and maintain a sense of playfulness, humor and honesty. Life takes strength to live with happiness and keep a smile on your face.
Q. Do you perform only acoustic?
A. No, this is what I am doing now and it feels right.
Q. Which represents your music better acoustic or electric ?
A The music is what it is, a moment in time.
Q. What do you like to do other than music ?
A Next question
Q You seem to have a persona of mystery, do people tell you that?
A (smiling) Moving on
Q You know I have to ask, do people tell you that you look like Richard Gere?
A Yes, a brilliant actor and humanitarian. I may have to bill him though for all this free advertising he gets, not that he needs it.
Q What do you think of todays music?
A Most of the commercial stuff I hear is pasteurized, homogenized put on store shelves with a short shelf life. Technology is a double edged sword.The music box of today is made of money,unfortunately. The best songs are ones that most people will never hear.
Q Do you think it will change?
A Yes, when there is money to be made somewhere else.
Q Sounds like a pretty cynical view?
A No, realistic, hope I’m wrong though.
Q Do you think your music is commercial?
A &nbsp It’s for the listeners to decide if they like it, they’ll play it.
Q You have an unusual voice and way of singing. Do you see yourself as more of a singer songwriter or guitar player?
A &nbsp Are there any other choices? This is a multiple choice question huh? Can I choose D none of the above
Q No, A, B or C
A &nbsp Hmmmm Well a little of each I guess. For what I do it is usually a package of all three. A painting with many colors and moods.
Q Hmmm ok I guess. We don’t want to make this a usual music interview. What would you do to make this interview unusual?
A &nbsp (Starts singing - It’s Not Unusual ie Tom Jones ) It’s not unusual for this interview to end …. Do do do do do do…... It’s not unusual, I’ll see you sometime again Do do do do do do..
Q That was unusual, I like Tom Jones version better though
A &nbsp So do I, you know I was only kidding. This is fun. I am enjoying this conversation.
Q All the songs I have heard are very different. But, they still have a common thread which I can’t put my finger on, How do you see it?
A &nbsp Good question. Not sure, the songs are a snapshot of passing emotions and feelings of life, love and the world around us. I always try to be honest and truthful in the songs and maintain artistic integrity. So I guess honesty is the answer.
Q Did you know I heard “Back Streets” in another club. I didn’t know you wrote it at the time
A &nbsp Someone told me that once not about Back Streets some other song I don’t remember which one.
Q That is quite a compliment but you seem indifferent to it. Am I correct?
A &nbsp No, I‘m glad they liked the song enough to play it. I would like to have heard it. I always like to see how other artists interpret songs and put their own style to it.
Q I heard many songs you played live that were not on CD are these new?
A &nbsp Yes,I really like the new ones and playing them like “You are the Tune Tonight”, “Sweet Jane”, “Face to Face”, “Love Ain’t Enough” “A World Gone Crazy” etc.
Q I really liked the new one if it is new “Heaven on Earth”?
A &nbsp Thanks, yes it is new, I like that one too. It has a nice ambience and flow.
Q Let’s quote some of the lyric phrases that caught my attention and I must admit I found myself quoting in day to day living.
“.. I don’t want to hear the lines that waste my time..”
from Victim of the System
“..I say to you what makes you feel brand new..”
from I Can’t Stop Loving You
“.. Sweet Jane .. Queen of Pain..”
from Sweet Jane
“ ..Open up to choices.. I trust my first reaction..”
from Survivor
“.. Sacred symbols shapes your identity..”
from Face to Face
“..She took me down like falling rain..”
from Sweet Jane
“..what do you do when love ain’t enough..”
from Love Ain’t Enough

A &nbsp Yes I sometimes do that and think well I guess it fits. Day to day living does lend itself to catch phrases in all situations.(smiling) I have a few I use when I'm stuck in traffic.
Q Well what’s next for you ?
A (smiles) Dinner, I’m hungry. I much appreciate the interesting chat. You do a fantastic job n the music scene.
Thank You
Well, this was basically the end of the conversation.
I hope you that you found this as interesting as I did.
Gary is a dynamic musician and individual.
I hope to hear more from him.
Please look for this and other music reviews in upcoming local music magazines.
Lillians Music World
Comments or questions about this interview
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Q & A From MySpace

Many people have asked me how I come up with my lyrics and music? And, what is my vocal technique?

A Few Thoughts on the Music I Write

The music and lyrics I write is the truth from my heart about people, places and experiences. Life, Love and the World in which we live, whether it be good, bad or indifferent.
"It Is What It Is"
You may choose to listen with your own thoughts and emotions or not listen at all. My singing is what it is - spontaneous, an emotional snapshot of a moment in time. I may sing or play a song different at different times, but the essence is always there somewhere. The music is honest and real.

New York New York

Spring Snow
Arriving and Leaving

My Interests


Member Since: 6/23/2007
Band Website: (site under construction)
Band Members:

For Live Performance
Acoustic Guitar / Harmonica
(See sample video below)

Contact Me Direct
[email protected]

Picture From Picnic

Turn off master player on top of webpage SONGS1 &nbsp It Is What It Is 2 &nbsp Under Construction 3 &nbsp Under Construction


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Announcements (Updated Frequently)
  • New SAG Picnic Pictures under view my pictures Memoirs from Lost Love - Excerpt 2 - Posted NEW LIVE PERFORMANCE EVENTScreen Actors Guild (S.A.G.) 75TH Anniversary Picnicat Griffith Park Saturday 6 21 08

    Celebrities in attendance
    I am last performance at 6PM.

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  • Check out "My Girl Tonight" Song 2
  • It was great to see everyone at the NY concerts. Thanks for the support. Will be posting new dates.
  • I want to sincerely thank Lillian for the music interview posted below and putting up with me. I enjoyed the conversation. I look forward to reading her coverage of the music world. She does a fantastic job!
  • New Stuff Added to Page:
    1&nbsp Fan List Signup
    2&nbsp N.Y. N.Y. Slide Show
    3&nbsp Lyrics to All Songs on CD "It Is What It Is"
  • New Songs, CD and Video on the way.
  • Concerts Upcoming

  • New Music for a Changing World

    "The Art is in Becoming You"

    To all, I am thankful for sharing a part of me with you through my music. You have given me much happiness through yours and your friendship.
    Peace May your journey be filled with happiness. Gary


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    Night News


    YOU - John Lennon - Neil Young - Jimi Hendrix - Eric Clapton - Bob Dylan - too many to name

    ---Life---Love---The World---Anything---and--- ...----Everything----...

    Sounds Like:

    New Music for a Changing World

    LYRICS BOOK Music: G. Vieiro
    Lyrics: G. Vieiro / C. Gallagher
    Victim of the System People everywhere I see them on the street
    Afraid to look up and see who they'll meet
    I can't walk so I gotta start running
    Listen close I hear it coming

    Are you a victim of the system
    kick back or kiss them
    a victim of the system
    kick back or kiss them
    Yes I am
    it's either you or them

    Time is wasting minutes are passing
    Don't look now because something’s happening
    Feel the heat don't stop now
    Get on your feet and make it somehow
    I don't want to hear the lines that waste my time
    I don't want to have to read between the lines

    It's about time not the place
    It comes it goes race the race
    On the street keep the pace
    Walking slow I can't raise my face
    Nothing to do but hurry home
    The streets become a danger zone
    Watch for the man with red tape
    He's looking for you won't give you a break
    Survivor I am a survivor never count me out
    Up against the odds never had no doubts
    I am a believer in what I can do
    Always liked the struggle until it was through

    Don’t you worry about me no
    I give it all that I am
    I trust in what I believe
    A survivor right to the end

    I am a survivor been to hell and back
    I just set out to do it and let them all react
    I am a dreamer in things that stimulate passion
    Open up to choices I trust my first reaction
    Never know what to expect
    Take the risk no regrets forget the rest

    If the surface changes it’s not at the core
    I keep doing what I do until fate knocks on my door
    Don’t you worry about me no
    I give it all that I am
    I trust in what I believe
    Living right to the end
    Back Streets In the back streets where the angels meet
    telling secrets while the city sleeps
    On a dark road straight to heaven
    without any light to guide them

    In the back streets where the angels meet
    from a seed of love underneath
    Children’s faces forever old
    Never had a hand to hold

    In the Back Streets
    that is where the angels weep
    Innocence is brief
    Born from the heat of the Back Streets

    In the back streets where the angels meet
    life is brief but moments creep
    On a dark road straight to heaven
    left with no one there beside them

    In the back streets where the angels greet
    Lonely nights with worn out dreams
    Every moment bought and sold
    Fragile lives dreams untold
    Who will be your end…Can you see your friends …Your end
    I was born from the heat of the back streets

    In the back streets where the angels meet
    telling secrets while the city sleeps
    On a dark road straight to heaven
    Without any light to guide them
    This Love Dark as night stars are pale
    Rising from my earthly cradle
    I climb to the top of the dark green hills
    Touch the sky and hear Gabriel's trill

    Suddenly a pure white light
    coarsing through my soul and sight
    Electric power surge within
    Pain and joy where there's never been

    Oooh this love it thrills me
    Oooh this love it fills me
    It thrills me

    Aching rain washing over me
    Flooding senses, gifts received
    I revel in the pureness found
    As I lie upon the heat soaked ground
    Look at the sky what do you see
    A picture formed of you and me
    I call to travelers in the night
    Listen to the wind recite
    A song of lives from times ago
    Lovers in the celestial show

    Oooh this love it thrills me
    Oooh this love it fills me
    Oooh this love
    Oooh this love
    It thrills me
    Angel of Mercy If you catch me flying with an angel
    or dancing with the devil
    just wait until
    you see the next miracle

    You have a choice
    to listen to the voice
    Let's be angelic my sweet
    or won't you dance with me
    Won't you come and join me just for awhile

    Have you touched the angel of mercy
    In your hour of darkness
    or danced with the devil of pleasure
    and felt that you were blessed

    Have you heard the news
    about who had a fall from grace
    The ones who claim to use
    their heart as a sacred place
    They'll be the ones with the smiles on their face
    It is What It is When I’m walking home honey tired to the bone
    walking on my own making tracks... on the stone
    Always meeting people who are jive talking street walking
    lip smacking ball cracking players…on the scene
    and each time I meet them I stop them with this greeting

    I say it is what it is.
    If you know what I mean
    If you’ve been where I’ve been
    If you’ve seen what I’ve seen
    It is what it is …it is………what it is

    Even in the night honey high as a kite
    waking up to a bright TV blasting... neon light
    Dancing shadows on the wall moving up and down the hall
    Saying who do I call to find out who’s … on the street
    And each time I meet them I stop them with this greeting

    Gotta believe in more than you see.. Gotta believe in more than you hear
    with your eyes with your ears…Only what you feel is real

    Always wanting more the same as before
    When your walking out the door picking prayers…off the floor
    Can’t expect something when your living for nothing
    Want to wait for the coming of a hero’s… private prophet
    Well it ain’t gonna happen just so you know it

    because it is what it is.
    If you know what I mean
    If you’ve been where I’ve been
    If you’ve seen what I’ve seen
    It is what it is

    I’m talking the talk
    As I walk the walk
    Yes I’m talking the talk
    It is what it is…it is what it is …it is…what it is
    The State I'm In I have seen the frightened faces
    Of the loved and the hated
    The innocent, guilty and accused
    I know I’ve stood inside their shoes

    I’ve sinned and been forgiven
    in every state I’ve been
    The only one worth living
    is the state I’m in

    I ‘ve been sick and I’ve been poor
    and had to choose from many doors
    But I’ve always been wealthy in my heart
    When I finish and when I start
    I know anywhere I go
    Anywhere I go…go
    I have walked a crooked line
    And I have wasted precious time
    And nobody pointed the way
    Sometimes I thought I’d have to stay
    I’ve sinned always been forgiven
    Anyplace I’ve been
    And I’m living been forgiven
    In every state I’ve been
    The only one worth living
    Is the state I’m in
    My Girl Tonight She has moves that can weaken any mans knees
    Have you seen her tonight
    She can take you to heaven with the greatest of ease
    Have you seen her tonight
    In your world love falls apart
    when she twists a remark through your heart

    Have you seen her around
    a queen without a crown
    looking through blinded eyes
    Have you seen my girl tonight

    She can make you believe what she says
    Have you seen her tonight
    She calls you friend then hangs you on a thread
    Have you seen her tonight

    Like a moth to a flickering flame
    the lights are all the same
    with a fool like me
    that’s where she will be
    She rules with a cunning sense of men
    Have you seen her tonight
    To love her to please her is the beginning the end
    Aaaah…… my girl tonight

    She takes me to ecstasy
    A part of her is just like me
    Are You Lonely Tonight It’s the end of the day
    as people shuffle their way
    to the PM parade
    Like characters in a play
    In a crowd all alone
    To destinations unknown

    Are you lonely tonight
    Are you lonely tonight
    Won’t you show me a sign
    In your eyes when the time is right

    In a midnight café
    candles flicker and flame
    Thousand of thoughts remain
    from a worn out day
    In a crowd all alone
    In a crowd without a home
    She hears songs from the same sad old stories
    from the same plain old rhymes
    She empties her eyes and says yes I’m feeling all right
    Maybe tonight’s the night
    As she’s making her way
    she pauses to gaze
    and longs for a change
    Faces on parade
    In a crowd all alone
    Never wanting to go home

    Are you lonely tonight
    What’ll make it all right
    What will make it all right
    Show me a sign when the time is right
    Show me a sign in your eyes when the time is right
    I Can’t Live Without You As I sit and wonder I can feel the hunger
    as it rises from my core
    Seems I’m always waiting doubtful dreams come lately
    Why do I reach out for more

    No I can’t ----You know I can’t
    I just can’t live ---without you babe

    On my bed is a piece of lace
    and an empty shadow in your place
    I left your shoes by the door
    just like your coming back once more
    Many ways I’ve cried
    Many times I’ve tried
    What I left unsaid is --- I love you

    Mistakes I’ve made I can’t deny
    Lord knows I’ve tried
    No words to say no need for blame
    We need not walk in chains
    No don’t you tell me
    Please don’t you tell me
    Why would you tell me --- goodbye
    No I see you walking out the door
    Oh yeh don’t you tell me goodbye
    Heros Their thoughts come to me
    Right here where I’ll be
    I hear their song constantly
    I see their faces in the trees

    And right before my eyes
    they sent their souls to the sky

    In our world lives will change
    Some are lost and we remain
    And those we lose we know can see
    the gift they give is their memory

    And right before my eyes
    they sent their souls to the sky
    The day the Heros died

    We won’t forget their stories
    They will come every morning
    And though you can’t see them
    I know their dreams are hidden
    And when I awake before the light
    I reach for you your star so bright

    And maybe someday when our paths cross
    I will say to you you were never lost

    Right before my eyes
    they sent their souls to the sky
    The day the Heros died
    The day the Heros died
    From My Heart I walk thru the valley and over the highest mountain
    For the piece of my heart that I'd forgotten
    I can’t take it too hard
    While I look for that piece of my heart
    As my footprints fade into the night
    I reflect upon the stars in the moonlight
    One minute we're here the next we're gone
    We grew apart but still have a special bond

    All I give is from my heart
    I give to you from my heart
    I love you, from my heart
    I love you, from my heart

    Where is my love without you
    Deep in my heart is the truth

    Now I see expressions of love around me
    Always there but my heart was too blind to see
    The passion ignites a fading flame
    Stay true to my heart whatever the pain
    I love you, From my Heart
    I Can’t Stop Loving you How do you feel always waiting for someone
    to justify your needs and dreams yet to come
    I say to you
    what makes you feel brand new

    I think you know it’s true I can’t stop loving you
    I think you know it’s true I can’t stop –I can’t stop--loving you

    How do you feel with the promises you make
    knowing you steal from the hearts you break
    I hear your cries
    I can’t see through your eyes
    You see what you want…you get what you give
    You take all you can…from those you’re with

    To find the truth
    it sleeps alone with you

    How long will you wait for someone new
    Before the past catches up with you
    Your time will come
    Counting blessings one by one

    I think you know it’s true I can’t stop loving you
    I think you know it’s true I can’t stop –I can’t stop
    I think you know it’s true you know its true
    I can’t stop –I can’t stop--loving you
    I think you know it’s true
    Bring Me Home You are an artist to master a life
    To capture a moment and fill it with light
    To color a memory with musical notes
    to warm peoples hearts with magic brush strokes

    Na na na na - Bring me home
    with you I'm never alone
    Na na na na - Bring me home
    Come on and light the road
    Come on and Bring me home

    You write with distinction finding pleasure if hidden
    I embrace your style with a knowing smile
    Across the pages of imagination
    You plant the seeds of inspiration
    When your away I think of words to say
    When you stay the words become the way
    Thanks for the way you said what I can’t say
    You brighten the moments of every today
    You’re filled with sensations a song of creation
    A moving picture of pleasure and patience
    Na na na na
    Na na na na
    Come on and light the road
    Come on and Bring me home

    Record Label: My Space
    Type of Label: None