xxxx------ AZED : TOTAL ARTIST ------xxxxxAzed is an artistic personality of a new kind.Azed, photographs people of the spectacle who like the life.
He is invited to all the connected festivals and the exposures of painting of various galleries, from Paris, Marseilles, Geneva or Los Angeles.Who met once won’t forget him, because he’s impassioned and likes, with much humility, speech of what makes vibrate his passions of artist.
One evening, he shows his photographs taken in company of beautiful people from. The Jet-Set which find him sympathetic and discrete.
One evening, he shows you his modern tables and the following day his poetries and his future projects in the cinema.Friend of the mannequins, the musicians, the writers and the celebrities in much of fields of which the spectacle and the sport. He dares with much charm and spontaneousness.His course of creator is partitioned of absence, because his world is also that of the businesses, of the real estate amongst other things. He is even more rock' roll but in the choice of his musics.I met him in the gallery of Florence Artaud. He became a friend and I have many reasons to think that he will go very far.
Hello, the artist!..........
Elisabeth Meissirel aka "Vanilla" of La Payotte.
De la photographie au dessin, en passant par la peinture et la realisation cinematographique, Alain Zirah – dit AZED - se revele un artiste a part entiere.Cineaste, il nous invite a decouvrir un " Adam et Eve" en 3D… a la recherche du temps perdu ! Son trait est sur, professionnel heritage de son apprentissage aux Beaux Arts de Marseille.Graphiste inspire par la bande dessinee, il nous livre un monde virtuel multichrome. Sa peinture nous conduit sur les pentes colorees et creatives de son travail sur ordinateur.Par son cote Rock, il nous offre une LadyKat sur grand ecran, sorte de Catwoman non denuee d’humour et d’originalite.L’aspect "poete" de sa personnalite nous livre des poemes, empreints de romantisme et de nostalgie, dans lesquels tendresse et imagination se melent…Sa personnalite riche l’entraine de l’amour de la musique classique aux sons dejantes du hard Rock, revelateurs de son eclectisme.Extraverti, il apprecie le contact et la rencontre avec l’autre.Vagabond de l’imaginaire, il evolue sur les chemins de la vie, de New-York, dont il ramene un reportage photo; la signature tres personnelle; Cannes, pour son 7eme art, sa passion, d’Annecy, ville phare du cinema d’animation; Saint Tropez, qui fete la fiction TV…Son nom, il le signe AZED, de la pointe de sa camera...........
Beatrice Delmont, Radio Dialogue