rhiannon profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am me...Direct......often brilliantly modest and modestly brilliant...but there is always room to learn... therefore I engage in educating myself where ever I may be.My neck movements describe all my emotional states.I am a designer, builder, writer, dancer. I am a living being who does not really enjoy describingmyself to web pages.ok now that's a taste... (deep breath... neck lengthened back)Nostar (Welsh for "good night")PS CHECK OUT CANCER CHARITY SITE: http://www.active.com/donate/tntnyc/tntnycrprice

My Interests

cycling away from irate London police for not engaging red lights...drinking chai and holding hands on Indian Railway sleeper trains,as of late: reading several books that have "runner" or "running" in the titles. learning languages including off-hand hand languages, making up elaborate dances based on tedious everyday habits and mannerisms... so many interests such little time to spare on myspace....I really just need MY space.. ya hear my battle cry? (pause for teeth sucking)Don't make me move my neck!

I'd like to meet:

these two lip-syncing men in red (click on my videos)- they are brilliant!oh and quite a few deceased non-violence activists, writers and silent film stars with gorgeous senses of humour with a "u." if you need specifics do not hesitate to ask.