Camurai Photography profile picture

Camurai Photography

It's all about the music...

About Me

This is a professional profile. If you are looking for a date or a sex partner, do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. There are a few people who are allowed to post non-professional comments on this profile. They are my real-life friends. If you're not one of them, your comment will most likely be deleted. Another important tip: my profile is not a bulletin board for your shameless self-promotion. If you post a gigantic banner hawking your wares, be it a concert, an album or whatever it is you're selling, it will be deleted out of hand. There will be no exceptions.
"Aog is tuille aotrom na ite, dleas tuille trom na ilbhinn."
I am Camurai. I am a photographic warrior. My weapon of choice is a razor-sharp 50mm f/1.4 prime. My images are a result of talent, discipline and an iron-willed drive for perfection. I hold true to the values I was raised to respect, and the integrity that was ingrained in me. I am a consummate professional, and my results speak for themselves.What began as a love of music for me has become something more. Roughly 6 years ago, I began attending local rock concerts in the northern New England area. This became a weekly ritual for me, to go out and attend a show every weekend. Roughly 3-4 years ago, I began packing a point & shoot camera along with me to take snapshots. From there, it began to evolve. I started to see the performances in a way most people didn't. Since that first moment of revelation, I have been striving to make my photographs meet that vision.
The P&S camera is a long way behind me. My equipment and skill have evolved. Many people say they are photographers, but it takes more than a pocket digital and a desire. Take a look at my portfolio if you think differently. My client list includes some of the hottest bands in the New England area. Bands that request my services are looking for more than just pictures. What I offer is performance art. Anybody can pick up a point-and-shoot camera and take a picture, but to compose a compelling photograph, to create a true representation of the energy and emotion of a performance is much more difficult. I am not limited to live concert photography either, by any means. Band portfolio photography, product photography, model photography - ask, and you shall receive. I am fully prepared to work with you to achieve the image YOU want to portray.
If you're ready to step beyond the typical - if you're ready for more than just a picture - I am the photographer you seek. I can make the image of your dreams a reality.
I also have a profile on if you're so inclined. It's great forum for artists to network with each other. I can be found here:
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My Interests

Photography baby! I'm deeply embedded in the northern New England music scene, and I can often be found moving around the stage, snapping away. I've taken photographs of some of the best bands in the New England area, such as: Hour-Past, Dipthong, Vegas Temper, Window Pain, Kipe, Q, Porter, Hegira, 16 Days of Grace, Soundchild, Loki, Kaining Amy, Shade Away, Hollow, ApathetiQ, Blue Collar Product, Offset, and many more. If you need more info, or would like to book an appointment, you can get in touch with me here, or email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I'd like to meet:

Bands, record labels, businesses and models. If you're interested in photography, I want to meet YOU!!


Rock, metal, classical, hip hop, name it, I listen to it. I have what you might call eclectic tastes. I'm a HUGE blues fan, and I have an absolute passion for Stevie Ray Vaughn. I'm also a huge supporter of local, unsigned acts, and I do photography for several bands in my spare time.


I like movies that are a bit off the beaten path. I like my movies to be intelligent. Eye candy is great and all, but for a movie to really involve you, there has to be something more. Plot and character are far more important than explosions and scantily clad women. To give you an example, none of the newest Star Wars movies were very good. The first Matrix movie was good, the other two were lame. The Usual Suspects was far more to my liking. The Punisher is my kind of action movie: smart, tongue-in-cheek and far more character development than guns and explosions. Bombs and machine-gun fire are only exciting insofar as they have a purpose within the confines of the plot. And yes, I'm generally this boring. That's why I'm single.


I don't have it.


Much the same as my favorite movies, I like my books a bit off the beaten track as well. The Once And Future King. Issac Asimov's Foundation Series. The Pillars of the Earth.


Musicians who have the courage to forge their own paths, the likes of which include:

Corey Glover
Gary Hoey
Bela Fleck
Johnny Cash
Buddy Holly
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Randy Rhodes
John Mayer
And many more...

My Blog

Fire sucks. ’Nuff said.

So I came home Monday to a house fire. In my room, specifically. Boy, doesn’t that suck. Fortunately for all involved, we have an extremely good all-volunteer fire department, and they happened ...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:32:00 PST

On being Irish

What Shall I Say About the Irish? The utterly impractical, never predictable, Sometimes irascible, quite inexplicable, Irish. Strange blend of shyness, pride and conceit, And stubborn refusal to b...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:35:00 PST

You probably never wanted to know 100 things about me...

...but by the end of this, you will!=oP1. I am a toast addict. Seriously, I could sit down and eat an entire loaf in a sitting.2. I am a horrible procrastinator. It's a struggle to initiate anything.3...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:44:00 PST

When animals attack!

Or I suppose you could call it "When animals are morons." Check out the new photos of the car after a 150lb whitetail deer decided to play NFL linebacker with my front end.Coming south on Rte. 95 at a...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 02:28:00 PST


Can I just say, if it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any. Let me clarify. I've been having truck troubles for about 2 years now. I just haven't had the time, the money or the wherewithal to tr...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 06:39:00 PST


After 6 long years, it looks like the time has finally come to accept the truth. It's time for change. After a long relationship, and 114,000 miles, the time has finally come to say goodbye to faithfu...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:45:00 PST

Everybody always said I looked like Bruce Dickinson...

...but how cool is it that I look like Agent Smith!!! ...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:29:00 PST

One of the Top 100!!!

My image "Intensity" was recently voted one of the Top 100 Live Music photos on! I'm STOKED!!! WOOHOOOOO!!...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:31:00 PST

Ive got a shoot coming up...

...and GODDAM am I excited! I can't talk about it yet because of contractual obligations, but suffice it to say that this could be a HUGE boost for me! Everybody keep your fingers crossed for me!
Posted by Camurai Photography on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:37:00 PST

Light Modifiers

Tonight, I have a hankering to talk about light modifiers. Now there are a lot of things that fall under the classification of "light modifier," including an awful lot of things that most people would...
Posted by Camurai Photography on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:40:00 PST