Photography baby! I'm deeply embedded in the northern New England music scene, and I can often be found moving around the stage, snapping away. I've taken photographs of some of the best bands in the New England area, such as: Hour-Past, Dipthong, Vegas Temper, Window Pain, Kipe, Q, Porter, Hegira, 16 Days of Grace, Soundchild, Loki, Kaining Amy, Shade Away, Hollow, ApathetiQ, Blue Collar Product, Offset, and many more. If you need more info, or would like to book an appointment, you can get in touch with me here, or email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Bands, record labels, businesses and models. If you're interested in photography, I want to meet YOU!!
Rock, metal, classical, hip hop, name it, I listen to it. I have what you might call eclectic tastes. I'm a HUGE blues fan, and I have an absolute passion for Stevie Ray Vaughn. I'm also a huge supporter of local, unsigned acts, and I do photography for several bands in my spare time.
I like movies that are a bit off the beaten path. I like my movies to be intelligent. Eye candy is great and all, but for a movie to really involve you, there has to be something more. Plot and character are far more important than explosions and scantily clad women. To give you an example, none of the newest Star Wars movies were very good. The first Matrix movie was good, the other two were lame. The Usual Suspects was far more to my liking. The Punisher is my kind of action movie: smart, tongue-in-cheek and far more character development than guns and explosions. Bombs and machine-gun fire are only exciting insofar as they have a purpose within the confines of the plot. And yes, I'm generally this boring. That's why I'm single.
I don't have it.
Much the same as my favorite movies, I like my books a bit off the beaten track as well. The Once And Future King. Issac Asimov's Foundation Series. The Pillars of the Earth.
Musicians who have the courage to forge their own paths, the likes of which include:
Corey Glover
Gary Hoey
Bela Fleck
Johnny Cash
Buddy Holly
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Randy Rhodes
John Mayer
And many more...