anything volkswagen, painting, martial arts: toyama ryu iajutsu, eishan ryu iajutsu, choy lee fut kung fu, muy thai, tai chi chuan, drawing, poetry, cooking, movies, clubs, dancing, designing, animating, web development, multimedia, 3d design, traditional art, digital art, museums, coffee shops, diversity, books, tennis, guitar, violin, piano, and so much more
amelie poulain. yoshio sugino. rama V. brassai. cartier-bresson. odd nerdrum. patrick hoelck, lionel deluy, richard avedon, david lachapelle, john langford. photographers. artists. makeup artists. potential clients. cool people.elder sensei and sang make a professional video about the special cutting methodology of toyama ryu.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
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Latin Pop, Salsa, Merengue, Reggae, Rock, Alternative, Classical, Jazz, Blues, New Age, Techno, Dance, Hip Hop, R&B, Oldies, and a lot of different shit. basically if i listed it. itd be so fucking long nobody would read it. i mean i like shit from baby blue eyes to hardcore gangsta to emo shit. i mean fuck. such an eclectic mix i have of music.
the life aquatic, fucking bill murray dood, beat takeshi's take on zaitoichi, brother, hana bi, sonatine, Tom Yung Goong, jet lis hero, ran, house of flying daggers, seven samurai, the last samurai, the life aquatic, heroes of heaven and earth, ong bak, TONY JAA movies, crouching tiger hidden dragon, garden state, the royal tenenbaums, i heart huckabees, the ladykillers, the red violin, all bruce lee movies, rocky 1 and 2, the way of the gun, all benecio del toro movies, all robert rodriguez flicks, all quentin tarantino flicks, kevin smith stuff, ANYTHING WES ANDERSON, and so many more i collect 100s of dvds
every book ever created by terry brooks, james clavelle, miyamoto musashi, sun tzu, confucious, lord byron. also stuff on photography specifically advanced lighting techniques.
my mom, my grandfather and grandmother, my family, my friends, richard avedon, brussai, bresson, john langford,david lachapelle, patrick hoelck, yoshio sugino the ultimate japanese swordsman, Bob Elder Sensei - 5th Dan Toyama Ryu Kaicho of US Federation of Batto Jutsu, Hataya Mitsuo Sensei - 9th Dan Toyama Ryu Kaicho of Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei, Ueki Sensei, sifu lee koon hung, sifu pui chan, nakamura, Obata Toshishiro sensei, Shimabukuro Masayuki - 8th Dan in Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iai-jutsu, Head of Nippon Karate-do/Kobudo Jikishin-Kai USA