eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. profile picture

eben yep. the fuel junky photographer.

Without honor, What is left?

About Me

I am a pro photographer specializing in portraiture, high fashion, and fine art photography. email me or message me for a way to setup a shoot for you locally. I am a reputable source of business. I am also incorporated and will provide you with a receipt. I am able to accept all major credit cards, money orders, and cash. personal checks are subject to processing before the shoot and must clear in order to shoot. pictures will be up soon. for now check out my website www.powdesignstudios.com. A quick and easy way to setup a photoshoot with POW! Design Studios, Inc. is through a paypal reservation listed belowPRO PHOTOGRAPHER FOR HIRE Hi. I am Eben. The question that perplexes 90% of people I meet is in how no way im not a pacific islander of any sort. its quite amusing. so you know. im chinese-peruvian. moms like the cream half-n-half. the pops is full chino born in peru. then you have the onset of what my sister and i are. chinese peruvians. not filipino. not hawaiian. chinese-peruvian. fucking proud of it. I've changed a lot in the last year. I went from rock bottom to super stardom. Learning my place in this world. Evermore trying to attain an organized and semi responsible life. I like reading. I like photography. I like Graphic Design. I like small gatherings. I like eating dinner with close friends. I like hanging out with my buddy Trent. He's the coolest little guy in the world. I've seen him grow up since he was 1 and now hes like 2 and some months. That is all.I train in toyama ryu iaijutsu, muay thai, choy lee fut kung fu sang style a branch of the chan style, and chinese swordfighting. I have a special affinity with small arms ie semi automatics, automatics, assault rifles, tactical, you name it ive shot it and im damn fucking good at it. you have to have complete focus when handling extremely sharp objects in fast paced conditions. an old japanese saying stated: Saya no naka ni hachi. translates from japanese to english: "victory while still in the scabbard." the strong stay quiet, the weak start riots. AIM SN: Supraman98TT"Life is like unto a long journey with a heavy burden. Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not. Persuade thyself that imperfection and inconvenience are the natural lot of mortals, and there will be no room for discontent, neither for despair. When ambitious desires arise in thy heart, recall the days of extremity thou has passed through. Forbearance is the root of quietness and assurance forever. Look upon the wrath of the enemy. If thou knowest only what it is to conquer, and knowest not what it is like to be defeated, woe unto thee; it will fare ill with thee. Find fault with thyself rather than with others." - Tokugawa Ieyasu

My Interests

anything volkswagen, painting, martial arts: toyama ryu iajutsu, eishan ryu iajutsu, choy lee fut kung fu, muy thai, tai chi chuan, drawing, poetry, cooking, movies, clubs, dancing, designing, animating, web development, multimedia, 3d design, traditional art, digital art, museums, coffee shops, diversity, books, tennis, guitar, violin, piano, and so much more

I'd like to meet:

amelie poulain. yoshio sugino. rama V. brassai. cartier-bresson. odd nerdrum. patrick hoelck, lionel deluy, richard avedon, david lachapelle, john langford. photographers. artists. makeup artists. potential clients. cool people.elder sensei and sang make a professional video about the special cutting methodology of toyama ryu.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

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Latin Pop, Salsa, Merengue, Reggae, Rock, Alternative, Classical, Jazz, Blues, New Age, Techno, Dance, Hip Hop, R&B, Oldies, and a lot of different shit. basically if i listed it. itd be so fucking long nobody would read it. i mean i like shit from baby blue eyes to hardcore gangsta to emo shit. i mean fuck. such an eclectic mix i have of music.


the life aquatic, fucking bill murray dood, beat takeshi's take on zaitoichi, brother, hana bi, sonatine, Tom Yung Goong, jet lis hero, ran, house of flying daggers, seven samurai, the last samurai, the life aquatic, heroes of heaven and earth, ong bak, TONY JAA movies, crouching tiger hidden dragon, garden state, the royal tenenbaums, i heart huckabees, the ladykillers, the red violin, all bruce lee movies, rocky 1 and 2, the way of the gun, all benecio del toro movies, all robert rodriguez flicks, all quentin tarantino flicks, kevin smith stuff, ANYTHING WES ANDERSON, and so many more i collect 100s of dvds


every book ever created by terry brooks, james clavelle, miyamoto musashi, sun tzu, confucious, lord byron. also stuff on photography specifically advanced lighting techniques.


my mom, my grandfather and grandmother, my family, my friends, richard avedon, brussai, bresson, john langford,david lachapelle, patrick hoelck, yoshio sugino the ultimate japanese swordsman, Bob Elder Sensei - 5th Dan Toyama Ryu Kaicho of US Federation of Batto Jutsu, Hataya Mitsuo Sensei - 9th Dan Toyama Ryu Kaicho of Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei, Ueki Sensei, sifu lee koon hung, sifu pui chan, nakamura, Obata Toshishiro sensei, Shimabukuro Masayuki - 8th Dan in Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iai-jutsu, Head of Nippon Karate-do/Kobudo Jikishin-Kai USA

My Blog


i hate working club nights. i only do it when money is tight. september has been a shitty month. think about it. the cost of equipment replacement to actual pay and hassle is NOWHERE near a level that...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:57:00 PST

in the wrong places

i see friends get boyfriends. its great. i see friends get girlfriends its great. i haven't been happier in a long time. boondocks season 2 is coming. im elated. money is tight. not so elated. guts an...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:52:00 PST

there back... YES!

the boondocks that is ...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:59:00 PST

not to be vain... but uhhh

ok this shits gotten out of control. im not 184 lbs the scale was wrong im actually 186lbs at 19% body fat. hahaha. im laughing cuz thats the most body fat ive ever had in my life. uhm no excuses. ebe...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 01:15:00 PST

I havent blogged in a hot minute.

2007 has been a blessing. 2006 was hard as fuck. Legal problems in 2006. Health problems in 2007.  Fuck  I got fat.  I am  184lbs right now. In 2006 I was 171 and healthier, but I...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 11:27:00 PST

"Keep Moving Forward"

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."-...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:31:00 PST

Annoyances of bullshit lying high falooting big headed models

I like to do TFP right now with select models. I am a professional that runs a professional business. Granted this past year has been really hard, with the accident and finishing up with some legal is...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:04:00 PST

dick in a box

Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:47:00 PST

**new photoblog | natasha savedra 08.01.07

Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:07:00 PST

2007 Studio

My updates have gone to a complete standstill due to primarily school and work. I have been shooting like crazy. Now I am pleased to announce that I have a studio space on Sundays. My boss and I JR St...
Posted by eben yep. the fuel junky photographer. on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:55:00 PST