ME and da KID... fam... friends... learning new shit... trying anything at least once... the art of dance... electronic music... organic music... silence... traveling... the green goddess... the beach... the woods... doggies... pussy cats... photography... sewing... redesigning clothing... reading... movies... listening to records w dam... demented and sarcastic humor... the irony in life... the obnoxiousness of my friends... shoes... shoes... shoes... sex... sex... sex... play fighting... the warmth of the sun... the kindness of strangers... hope... overcoming fear... surreal memories... emotional goosebumps... positive thinking... karma...
most anyone on the dancefloor... but give me my space... i dance to dance... not make babies... so, if ur the fuckin creep that thinks its cool to put ur cock against my ass BEFORE you even ask me to dance with you... your fuckin out of ur mind... AND ur probably gettin punched in the face...
people who make a difference in this crazy ass world we sometimes force ourselves to walk through each and every day...
howard stern...
and me... in a year...
first off, MOSTLY anything that can be spun on two technics and makes my body groove is just plain good for my soul...
i don't discriminate when it comes to music... i'm not a raver or a clubber... i'm not goth or punk rock... i am not a hip hop head, metal head, hippie or a brainwashed pop princess... i am a music lover...
music is my boyfriend...
it would be pretty dope if
life had a constant soundtrack bumpin at all times...don't ya think?
wanna hear some super dope tunes from the man who's taught me more about music than any other friend in my life...ENJOY!!! GHOST "PHILLY GUMBO" mix!!! RIGHT CLICK HERE to download for FREE!!!
anything tarrantino... baz lehrman... and kevin smith... the brat pack classics... dark days... fight club... one who flew over the cukoos nest... hard days night... appocolypto... pal joey... planet b-boy... porn...
six feet under... mystery science theater 3000... the office... stand up comedy... discovery anything... americas funniest home videos...
Menus... The Giving Tree... The Red Tent... Shakespearean Plays (they're more fun to act than to read but i like shakespeare, fuck off)... everything by Hunter S. Thompson... Griffin and Sabine... the Celestine Prophecy... The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test... and anything corinne likes to read with me...
anyone who puts it out there, without the expectation of acceptance or the fear of rejection...