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John Kadlecik

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a lead singer, guitarist, and co-founder of Dark Star Orchestra. I started playing classical violin in 1978, began teaching myself rock-and-roll guitar in 1984, and started playing with my first band and producing 4-track demos in 1985-86. I was a bit of a nerd in grade school, with a deep love of reading and an obsession with science and science-fiction. In high school and college my fascination extended into philosophy, world religions, and meta-physics. I grew up with my parents Beatles albums (Help through Magical Mystery Tour) as my only real exposure to rock-and-roll, but in high school my friends started turning me on to Led Zeppelin, Rush, the Police, Pink Floyd, and eventually the Grateful Dead. My mother (and abstract impressionist painter who bought my first electric guitar and amp for me) pushed me to listen to jazz artists like Jean-Luc Ponty, Stephane Grappelli, and Mahavishnu Orchestra. On my own I got into Joe Pass and John Coltrane. I played in a number of different bands in the Chicago area: Nightshade, Clear Eyes, Spooky Blue Fungus, Uncle Buffalo's Urban Mountain Review, Hairball Willie, Uncle John's Band, and Wingnut, to name a few, before co-founding Dark Star Orchestra in 1997. I hope to have a more detailed bio up on my website soon ( ).

My Interests

Music, Zen Buddhism, meditation, politics (check out ), meta-physics (currently way into Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life & Earth-Sky-Heart workshops)

I'd like to meet:

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Jazz, Blues, Psychedelic/Jam-Band/Classic Rock, Bluegrass, Reggae... preferably live.


Read "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" by Jerry Mander


Authors I have loved (more or less in the order I discovered them): Madelein L'engle, Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, H.G. Wells, J.R.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Stephen R. Donaldson, Ursula K. LeGuin, Douglas Adams, Arthur C. Clark, Roger Zelazny, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Carlos Castenada, Alan Watts, Robert Anton Wilson, Tom Robbins, William S. Burroughs, Jerry Mander, Jack Kerouac, Philip K. Dick, Thich Nhat Hanh, Daniel Pinchbeck


My Mom and Dad, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Leonardo DaVinci, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, "Bob" Dobbs, and that Chinese guy who stood in front of the line of tanks in Tianamen Square.

My Blog

Back from the Rainbow Family Gathering in Wyoming 08

Wow!!! I'm still integrating the whole experience.  I've been going to Annual  Gatherings of  the RFOLL since 1990, but I haven't been to one in three years.  For those of you unfa...
Posted by John Kadlecik on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:44:00 PST

Setlist from 6/20/08 is up... Thank you, all you folks that made the trek to Takoma Park, for helping to make it such a wonderful time! And a special thanks goes out to  Topher, Katy, Bill, &...
Posted by John Kadlecik on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:41:00 PST