~Scarlet Howl~ profile picture

~Scarlet Howl~

~Howl if you love the wolf~

About Me

The one they call wolf, ask if your curious mind haunts you from time to time. My name is Kiyonyu and i am mainly starting out on a new journey. A path of freedom and pride. My background isn't really all that and its just an average everyone's life. I'm at a life of helping and occupation of couseling. To firmly listen to others out there and help all I can. Everyone deserves a second chance in life. I am here to try my best to help those that have gone through what I have been through. I live here within Michigan with a family of pure respect. I have a fiancée which I love and adore more than anything else. Some of my hobbies include playing music and currently an artist of a band that is soon to have it's name changed. Right now you can find it in the myspace music known as "Last Scarlet Rose". I am proud to share a hobby with the one I so deeply love.
How to make a Wolf
1 part my angel
1 part Commitment
3 parts pure heart
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little howl if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.comLayout made by faeriekirara

My Interests

Art, Music production, Snowboarding, Movies, Day dreaming, Writing, Poetry, Science, Instruments (Strings), Reading, Gotta love my girl, Sleeping...etc.

I'd like to meet:

Articulate, Artistic, swicked, risk-taking, creative, Fun-filled, and non-judgment people.


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The Girl Next Door, Unleased, Resident Evil (1 and 2), Matrix, The Notebook, The One, A Knight's Tale, Master and Comander, The Quick and the Dead, Desperado, Once Upon a time in Mexico, Ghost Busters, Final Fantasy the Spirits Within, Armageddon, Blade (1,2,3), Tremors (all), Underworld, Queen of the Damned, Dust til Dawn, Road Trip, Freddy got Fingered, Scary Movie (All), The Ring, The Grudge, Saw, Before Sunrise.


The OC, Viva La Bam, OCC, CSI-Miami, CSI-New York, True Calling, The Inside, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Shamploo... anything anime related.


Anything with Anne Rice. And any other books I find very interesting


We all have a hero thats been trying to get out all this time, that hero is us.Special thoughts of those out there: David Wendel, My former main manager Laura, former guitarist Danny Hester, former pianist Alice Trepe, The band members of LoveSlave and past members of Last Scarlet Rose. Thanx to Kaitlin Grail, Kasey Becker, Michelle Becker, and Natalie Pennings. For the one I love from the bottom of my heart...forever. My one and only love of my life, my girl, my future wife, Jessica Thomas.

My Blog

~Howl~ update and H-Mothers Day!

Well, well, well! You knew that this was coming lol. Howl to the pack and howl to the mother's out there.Not too much news since last entry, but thats kinda good. At least nothing bad right? Mainly to...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Sun, 11 May 2008 08:14:00 PST

Update and a Swicked Howl!

Dear Journal,       Wow, has it been that long? I guess I just try and come to visit this more often. I was right though, Nothing new, no new msgs or comments, so it's not lik...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:01:00 PST

A howl - / - A chance to get to know me more. LONG please read only if you have the time!

         Howl~... Hi’ya and a howl to ya. Just sitting here, checking some sites and tipping back a bottle of Mike’s Hard Lime. Chilling for the tim...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:18:00 PST

"101 blog" update!

Howl... Just wanted to get in a blog before I hit the hey. I just relized that the last blog I wrote was my 100th blog lol. Funny how the first time I wrote, I mean I never really kept a damn online d...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:53:00 PST

Update with a howl

So we have snow... a load of damn near inches, and inches of snow that I just shoveled and still coming down. Salt seems to have shit for the effect lol. Right now, I’m just chilling, staying wa...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:43:00 PST

Relief and stress-free!

Dear Journal,   I am ever so happy to announce that everything is better right now. If you were concerned about my last blog entry, which I do appreciate from those that had sent me a message. Ev...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:56:00 PST

Scared, freaked out, praying!

Alright, so I’m completely officially fucking freaked out right about now. I’m under complete stress, I’m in a full mental panic! I have never written two, count’em two messed ...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:53:00 PST

What a damn pain in the freaking ass!

OKAY, so here I am sitting here... Trying to find something that will distract me away from all this fucking thinking! I don't know what to do, I don't! I'm trying to be strong...every single fucking ...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:28:00 PST

I....could.....just.... howl.... my....head off!

Okay, right now I don't what to feel. My girl and I just went through her father's den and pretty much raided the place for some meds and stuff that could be hazardous to his health. He had to leave t...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:28:00 PST


Journal Entry for this day. My baby just passed her test and now a Microsoft word specialist... yay. Can't say too much more than that. Just yay...in a good way. Nothing new with me, hope you all have...
Posted by ~Scarlet Howl~ on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 12:27:00 PST