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Sun Ra and Black PeopleAccording to Szwed[34] Ra's view of his relationship to black people and black cultures "changed drastically" over time. Initially, Ra identified closely with broader struggles for black power, black political influence, and black identity, and saw his own music as a key element in educating and liberating blacks. But by the heyday of black power radicalism in the 1960s, Ra was expressing disillusionment with these aims, and he denied feeling closely connected to any race; in 1970 he said:I couldn't approach black people with the truth because they like lies. They live lies … At one time I felt that white people were to blame for everything, but then I found out that they were just puppets and pawns of some greater force, which has been using them … Some force is having a good time [manipulating black and white people] and looking, enjoying itself up in a reserved seat, wondering, "I wonder when they're going to wake up."[35]

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Effecctive - K.EEP.THAT.ANGEL

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African Amorican born in College Park in Atlanta Ga in 1971 Effecctive
began making music in 1980 when i moved to New Mexico with my parents
started making beats around 1988 when i lived with my earth in Seattle
started djing in 1998 when i lived in Morroco when my fat her worked for The United Nation.

"I would be playing into the hands and into the objectives of the killers of my father if I remain bitter," said Biko, who was 6 when his father died. "I think I have transcended them. I've gone beyond the experience, yet it is a painful experience. But I have unplugged the good elements. And I think I am miles ahead of the killers of my father in terms of my psychological position."
African American Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes African Presence In America Before Columbus,Traditionally history had been taught from a eurocentric point of view. The reason is the content of education, textbooks, religious teachings and the Bible itself had been controlled for 500 years by Europeans. Sometimes this point of view obscures reality. There were some recent finds which might indicate an error in our translation of history. Sometimes we are so reluctant to change our way of thinking that we need overwelming evidence, far beyond a reasonable doubt. This article will attempt to lay the foundation for African presence in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus, not as slaves, but as explorers and traders who helped to build the Olmec civilization.

"In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin colour and hence the ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the question has overlooked the possibility."

A racial classification is given to a group of individuals who share a certain number of anthropological traits, which is necessary so that they not be confused with others. There are two aspects which must be distinguished, the phenotypical and genotypical. I have frequently elaborated on these two aspects.If we speak only of the genotype, I can find a black who, at the level of his chromosomes, is closer to a Swede than Peter Botha is. But what counts in reality is the phenotype. It is the physical appearance which counts. This black, even if on the level of his cells he is closer than Peter Botha, when he is in South Africa he will live in Soweto. Throughout history, it has always been the phenotype which has been at issue; we mustn't lose sight of this fact. The phenotype is a reality, physical appearance is a reality.Now, every time these relationships are not favorable to the Western cultures, an effort is made to undermine the cultural consciousness of Africans by telling them, `We don't even know what a race is.' What that means is, they do know what a yellow man is, they do know what a white man is. Despite the fact that the white race and the yellow race are derivatives of the black which, itself, was the first to exist as a human race, now we do not want know what it is. If Africans fall into that trap, they'll be going around in circles. They must understand the trap, understand the stakes.It is the phenotype which as given us so much difficulty throughout history, so it is this which must be considered in these relations. It exists, is a reality and cannot be repudiated.

African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop
Civilization or Barbarism by Cheikh Anta Diop

--Cheikh Anta Diop

Since 1776, Negroes of the African race, whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves, have been existing in America without their legitimate identity. Brought to America as slaves and as property to be bought and sold, the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court have never changed that definition of the Negro.
Watusi Man with Elaborate Hairstyle.
The Watusi, Dinka, Nuba, Masai, Mandinka, Yoruba, Nago-Mina, Wallof and a number of African groups now living spread all over the African continent are related to African people who once lived in Egypt, South Arabia and Mesopotamia. In fact, these groups still have connections with related groups still living in these regions.

Gudea of Lagash

My Interests


Member Since: 7/2/2005
Band Website: music.msn.com/artist/?artist=41200481

Video cointelpro v.s. black nationist groups
A black devils tendencies
Uncooperative (Dismal) [theyll] laugh at your jokes louder than anyone else, but wont tell any jokes; their mission is not to initiate joy. (Exaggerative) when its cold, theyll say its freezing. Or, when hungry they are starving.
(Egotistic) never have anything nice or positive to say about anyone or anything other than themselves.
(Pessimistic) they overindulge and totally absorb themselves in a negative conversations or actions. But when there is a positive conversation they have little or nothing to say.
Example: If you were to say, wow, that is a beautiful dress youre wearing, the negative person leans over and says, yeah, but the shoes dont match and she should do something with her hair. Instead of letting the person have the compliment and praise, they have to add their negative thoughts. (Secretive) theyll never tell you about their past life. Theyll have you spill your guts about your life and encourage you to say more, but you wont hear about them.
(Single-minded) when everyone is doing the right thing, they always have another way to do this or that.
(Paranoid) they always think everyone is using them. (Wily) (they try to) justify always getting theirs any way they can. Youll say that pertains to alot of people, but think about the person who has more than just one disagreeable characteristic, and is very negative and always initiates negativity.

Excerpted from Are There Black Devils? by Dr. Malachi Z. York-El.
Showy black folks
I was having the same (wrong) racism with Islam that I was having in America. But, the difference is America offers me more opportunities. So I repeat, stop wrestling with America on behalf of a bunch of people who dont care anything about you, yet call you their Muslim brother and they come to America to live the American dream. I dont need it, keep it. And, the same thing applies to the Africa movement organizations and to Egyptology.
The Italians have their Italian parades and they bring out their dress and they do their little thing and its cute. The Chinese people dress up for their parades and events. The only difference is everyone else has enough sense to take the costume off, because the word costume really means custom. Take off the custom and go to work. But no, not blacks. You all have to over do it. You walk around with an oversized ankh, and oversized crescent, etc. All of this for what? Just to say you belong to something. All of this just to make a statement to people, I am a whatever. As big as the symbol is, youre supposed to see what I am. Nubians are the only ones who have to learn the hard way.
. . . There isnt anything wrong with putting on your traditional garbs. But on a daily basis, when you are dealing with people, what sense does it make to walk down the street for a person to say, whats that? Why should I set myself up for that? And, if its for attention, then you can best believe that it will be negative attention because no one wants you to come into their store if you look like you are straight out of the jungle. If you are honest, you as a black person feel the same way. When you see another black person walking down the street who is dressed ridiculously, you are afraid.
Excerpted from Does Religion Breed Ignorance? by Dr. Malachi Z. York

SUN RA, JOHN COLTRANE, OTIS REDDING, LUTHER VANDROSS, TEDDY PENDERGRAS, ASHFORD AND SIMPSON, RICHARD PRYOR, SCOTTIE PIPPEN, JACOB LAWRENCE, PICCASO, MOJO GREEN, BDP, NINA SIMONE, DUSTY A, DR. YORK,SUGAR RAY LEANORD, ROBERT HORRY, SAM CASSEL, MOS DEF, VICTOR VAUGHN, DJ WAHT,Children of the Sun, ROC RAIDER, DJ DUMMY, Large professor, Rass Kass, Sir Menilik, Red Fox, Robin Harris, Donnie Hathaway,INFINITO 2017, Sam Cook, Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, 2017 crew, Vortx of Distorsun, Gangstarr, De La Soul, Frankie Beverly, X-Ray, GM Grimm, Cypress Hill,Brand Nubians+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=

JERUSALEM, July 29 Israel has granted permanent resident status to the ''Black Hebrews,'' a group claiming descent from the Bible's lost tribes, after a 34-year struggle for recognition, an Interior Ministry spokeswoman said on Tuesday. Also known as the African Israelites, the sect was founded by 39 U.S.-born blacks in 1969. Its members previously had only temporary resident status in the Jewish state.

Black Egyptian Princess: About 1350 B.C.Well made hairdo: Braided side, with rows of kinky locks at the top. GIGANTIC OLMEC AFRICAN HEAD SHOWING BRAIDS AND BEADS IN THE BACK OF THE HEADThis head made of gigantic blocks of basalt are about eight to nine feet tall. These Olmec (Xi or Shi) heads have been found to have characteristics common to the Mende people (the Si group) of West Africa. The Olmecs or Xi began their civilization in Mexico about 3113 years Before Christ. This exact date is the date found to be the beginning of the Olmec Calendar by archeologists such as Sitchin ( see www.ancientamerican.com )There are about 22 of these gigantic stone heads, all show African features including kinky hair and braids on some of the tops and backs of these heads .

The Egyptian Book of the Dead

They represent the foundation of ancient wisdom and moral values.

1. I have not done what is wrong (to my neighbor)

2. I have not despoiled myself (with forbidden acts)

3. I have not robbed another

4. I have not slain an innocent person

5. I have not defrauded the offerings made to the spirit forces

6. I have not diminished oblations

7. I have not plundered the things that are of God

8. I have not spoken lies

9. I have not expropriated food

10. I have not caused undue pain to anyone

Queen Tiye (1415-1340 B.C.)

This celebrated Nubian queen was the beloved and honored wife of Amen-Hetep III , who was one of the world's mightiest Pharaohs and conquerors. Queen Tiye was a full-blooded African. Her son, Akhenaton and his wife, Nefertiti are the parents of King Tutankhamen , who is also known as "King Tut." As a symbol of the love Amen-Hetep III, had for Queen Tiye, he declared that so she was treated in life as his equal, she would be depicted in death. At the time of her death, she was given a full "Royal" burial. :

"I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but with a definite object of helping the people, especially those of my race, to know, to understand, and to realize themselves."Marcus Garvey, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1937Nat Turner (1800-1831). American slave leader; with his confederates in conference: engraving, 19th century.Credit: The Granger Collection, NewYorkDavid Walker's objective was nothing short of revolutionary. He would arouse slaves of the South into rebelling against their master. His tool would be his own pamphlet, David Walker's Appeal. . . , a document that has been described as "for a brief and terrifying moment. . ., the most notorious document in America.""From the time that I can remember anything, almost everyday of my life has been occupied in some kind of labor."(William Edward Burghardt Du Bois) writer, teacher Born: 2/23/1868/Died: 8/27/1963African-American author and teacher who helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). A recipient of the World Peace Council Prize (1952) and the Soviet Lenin Peace Prize (1959), Du Bois became a member of the Communist party in 1961 and a citizen of Ghana, where he served as director of the Encyclopedia Africana. Cornel West, Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University, is one of Americas most gifted, provocative, and important public intellectuals.Elijah Muhammad (October 7, 1897February 25, 1975) ...U SEE NOW?????Khalid Muhammad organized his first Million Youth March in Harlem in 1998, and when Mayor Giuliani tried to quash the march permit, citing Muhammad's race-baiting rhetoric, Muhammad battled him in court and won. The event, which drew 10,000, ended in an angry clash with cops and with Muhammad urging marchers to "beat the hell" out of cops "if they so much as touch you."Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad never stopped a car driven by whites. He never forced the occupants out of their vehicles to lie face down in the mud at the point of a gun. He never passed a bill that condemned the poor to more wretched poverty, homelessness or hunger. He never consigned brilliant young minds to shuttered and and dilapidated ghetto schools. He never commanded the bombing of an Arab, African or Caribbean nation to divert attention from a scandal in his bedroom.33 years ago a freedom fighter was brutally murdered by the US goverment. This revolutionary was Ernesto "Che" Guevara. He as many organizers before and after him was a target of the US gov'ts counterintelligence program (a program whose aim was and still is to destroy community based organizations and any initiatives with the objective to bring power the african/indegineous masses.) Che was captured and executed by the Bolivian Army in a CIA organized operation on October 9, 1967.Mau Mau , secret insurgent organization in Kenya, comprising mainly Kikuyu tribespeople. They were bound by oath to force the expulsion of white settlers from Kenya. In 1952 the Mau Mau began reprisals against the Europeans, especially in the white highlands, claimed as Kikuyu lands. The settlers retaliated and non-participant Kikuyu were killed by the Mau Mau. Jomo Kenyatta and other nationalist leaders were imprisoned. By 1956, however, British troops hunted down the Mau Mau in the mountain forests. Most leaders were captured and executed. Later the entire Kikuyu tribe was resettled within a guarded area. The state of emergency decreed (1952) in Kenya was ended in 1960 and Kenyatta was released; he subsequently became prime minister (1963) upon independence, and president (1964) when the country became a republic.THE SUDANKENYANelson Rolihlahla Mandela, OM CC, (18 July 1918 ) was the first democratically-elected President of South Africa. He was a notable anti-apartheid activist of the country, as well as being involved in underground resistance activities, such as sabotage. He is now almost universally considered to be a heroic freedom fighter.KENYAI Believe....?Believe-1.a state or habit of mind in wich trust,confidence or reliance is placed in some person or thing;faith...Hum! To believe is to assume a state of mind based on trust.A belief is not ,therefore ,based on Truth...it is based on unsubstantiated trust.Whether facts are present or not,Whether Truth is present or not, is basically irrelevant.No evidence or proof is needed to believe in santa claus or the easter bunny,only trust in the stories and legends of their existance.If any man will study the entire history of the relationship between the white man and the black man, no evidence will be found that justifies any confidence or faith that the black man might have in the white man today.The Kingdom of God is Within You "And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him. And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out [his] hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" (Matthew 26:50-52).I've Been To The Mountaintop April 3, 1968 On the eve of a protest march for striking garbage workers in Memphis, Tenn., King gave this darkly prescient speech. The next day he was assassinated. Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
You scored as Anarchism.
















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George Washington Carver

Agricultural chemist, Carver discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes. A man who would decline an invitation to work for a salary of more than $100,000 a year (almost a million today) to continue his research on behalf of his countrymen. Carver revolutionized the southern agricultural economy by showing that 300 products could be derived from the peanut. By 1938, peanuts had become a $200 million industry and a chief product of Alabama. Carver also demonstrated that 100 different products could be derived from the sweet potato.

Nigeria is situated in the West African region and lies between longitudes 3 degrees and 14 degrees and latitudes 4 degrees and 140 degrees. It has a land mass of 923,768 sq.km.. It is bordered to the north by the Republics of Niger and Tchad. Country Profile, The Land and PeopleFact File Area: 923,766 sq.km. Population: 120 million (estimate) Capital: Abuja

Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Advice for parents, educators, community, and church members is provided in this guide for ensuring that African American boys grow up to be strong, committed, and responsible African American men. This book answers such questions as Why are there more black boys in remedial and special education classes than girls? Why are more girls on the honor roll? When do African American boys see a positive black male role model? Is the future of black boys in the hands of their mothers and white female teachers? and When does a boy become a man? The significance of rite of passage activities, including mentoring, male bonding, and spirituality, are all described. Who is Mumia Abu-Jamal? Mumia Abu-Jamal is a renowned journalist from Philadelphia who has been in prison since 1981 and on death row since 1983 for allegedly shooting Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. He is known as the “Voice of the Voiceless” for his award- winning reporting on police brutality and other social and racial epidemics that plague communities of color in Philadelphia and throughout the world. Mumia has received international support over the years in his efforts to overturn his unjust conviction. Minister Louis Farrakhan, born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933 in Bronx, N.Y., was reared in a highly disciplined and spiritual household in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Raised by his mother, a native of St. Kitts, Louis and his brother Alvan learned early the value of work, responsibility and intellectual development. Having a strong sensitivity to the plight of Black people. The Rise and Fall of Black Swan Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Soweto Massacre

The Soweto Massacre By: McLean Kistner               There have been many tragedies in the world in the past century. Of all the tragedies, one ...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:14:00 PST

Amos ’n’ Andy

Amos 'n' Andy    This article or section includes a list of references or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks in-text citations.You can improve this article ...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:32:00 PST

Germ warfare timeline

Germ warfare timelinePublished: Aug. 13, 1995 1925 -- Geneva Convention governing wartime conduct bans biological weapons. Japan refuses to approve treaty. 1932 -- Japanese troops invade Manchuria. ...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:10:00 PST

Schizophrenia Symptoms

Schizophrenia Symptoms Usually with schizophrenia, the person's inner world and behavior change notably. Behavior changes might include the following: Social withdrawal Depersonalization (intense a...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:25:00 PST

Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project (Hate) and Destruction

Margaret Sanger's Negro Project (Hate) and Destruction By Tanya L. Green"&I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing'therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live....
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:52:00 PST

Racial demons rear heads

Racial demons rear heads ..> function lightup(imageobject, opacity){ if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1 &&parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=5) imageobj...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:04:00 PST

Boy fatally shot by West Memphis police officer

Boy fatally shot by West Memphis police officer   Boy fatally shot by West Memphis police officer   ...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:43:00 PST


COLONIAL GENOCIDE AND THE CONGO 24.05.2006 Dismore, Andrew .. Motion Text Display --> That this House notes that in 2002 the Belgian Royal Museum of...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:13:00 PST

The Belgians in the Congo

The Belgians in the Congo from The New Map of Africaby Herbert Adams GibbonsThe history of the Congo during the first ten years of the twentieth century is one of the saddest and most revolting page...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:31:00 PST

Taking a Stance - the Trading Spouses Report

Taking a Stance - the Trading Spouses Report Uhuru!This post is a very important one, and I hope it is received for what it is by forces in the African Liberation Movement. It is important in tw...
Posted by EFFECCTIVE on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:55:00 PST