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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

To the Self belongs the WHAT and WHY, and to the Spirit, the HOW and WHEN.
Be Aware of the Mind with da Eyes of the Spirit.
Fall in Love as often as possible. Only then can we truly love. It's like a child learning to walk. If his mother never allows him to fall he will never develop balance. Fall in Love as often as possible. Then we can run. Image us all running; love; to each other.
"In a better world, with more understanding, love will be all over. Children will see what caring is. Children will see what joy it brings when you care for somebody. Love should be accepted more, violence should be rejected more. Love should be available more. Two persons making love should not be worried that someone should know. They should laugh, they should sing, they should scream in joy, so that the whole neighbourhood knows that somebody is being loving to somebody –somebody is making love. Love should be such a gift. Love should be so divine. It is sacred." -Osho
"Love is the greatest zen koan. It is painful, but don't avoid it. If you avoid it you will have avoided the greatest opportunity to grow. Go into it, suffer love, because through the suffering comes great ecstasy. Yes, there is agony, but out of the agony ecstasy is born. Yes, you will have to die as an ego, but if you can die as an ego, you will be born as a God, as a Buddha, as a Christ (an enlightened one)." -Osho
The most intelligent people are the most sexual people. This has to be understood, because love energy is basically intelligence. If you cannot love you are somehow closed, cold; you cannot flow. While in love one flows. While in love one feels so confident that one can touch the stars. -Osho
Love is a state of being that competes for the thrown of this costume we call a body. So many other beings have passed threw. I have had powerful exchanges with most of them. Yet loves is like the dark force of feminine creation that seems to guide all the light and dance with all the darkness despite what others feel and think. -WAG3
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

New Found Respect for the GODDESS (GOD IS) ISIS ASET (AH SET) the mood (moon) for LoVE

My Blog

Pannell's Oakland Hearing Weds. Aug 5th 2009 6pm

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiEpd830dF4 Hey Lovely People another Fo Real Tv story with some real possible solutions. We will be meeting on this Monday to strategize on how to keep 1 ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:49:00 GMT

OSHO: Jealousy- society's device to divide and rule

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9we864sMns Get off the ladder and be yourself. No one can be all things; poet, musician, painter, blacksmith, computer wiz. So be yourself. No body can be...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 20:43:00 GMT

What History do you follow?

The Probem with following History is that it's Damned to repeat itself if we dont learn from our Mistakes and Evolve/Mutate, but sometimes Evolution exceeds by a Survival of the Fitest game that appea...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 00:25:00 GMT

Feelig and being identity

Is there a difference between feeling an emotion and being an emotion? For example feeling angry and letting it go. Or being angry and saying "that is just the way I am," when our friends say, "let it...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 10:30:00 GMT

West Oakland 54 (FoRealTV.com Operation NutCracker Terrorist Labeling ac...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=116voWKNoV8 WEST Oakland 54 Pop pop pop another Terrorist shot, Caught in the act another Martial Law attack, Against men and women Black, Down by West Oak...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 11:32:00 GMT

Mineral Chart (Top Notch)

Dr. Decuypere's Nutrient Charts"~~ Minerals Chart ~~Use these charts to find the nutrient contents of your favorite fruits, nuts and vegetables.Coming soon - Other foods, such as meats, grains and dai...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:05:00 GMT

Electric Body Electric Food (Dr. Sebi, Jewel Pookrum, Mildred Nelson)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oty20LUrB_M 10 minutes of compressed direction. Think about what you feed you and your family. Please comment. Love to hear what you think.
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:14:00 GMT

Foods & Vitamins

VitaminsVitamins are given the name "vitamins" because they are considered "vital-minerals" = vitamins. Vitamins energize the body while minerals stabilize. Each vitamin has a complex (a family such a...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 04:01:00 GMT

I am...@ the same time

I am so excited and bored at the same time.I am so scared and confident at the same time.....I am so intelligent and dumb at the same time.....I am so open and silent at the same time.....I am so huma...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 03:23:00 GMT

Inventing.... HMMMM... AIDS!?!

Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 12:42:00 GMT