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About Me

Creating positive relations, experiences & events...C continues to have passion for personal growth & development. Originally back in "93" dreaming of production, while in those early days growing from the trials & tribulations that prepared him. Releasing his psychy from the chains of mental slavery, the resurrect on 11-21 was a magical & mystical event never to forget. The spirit world & others helped guide providing tools in the non stopping ever evolving process. Consequently, triumphing pain of past experiences, Sean grew stronger, more equipped & able to see through illusions. Switching back ON from the bare minimum capacity...

BUILD, GROW CONNECT with INFINITE Possibilities...

My Blog

Fritz Springmeier

Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control Fritz Springmeier, who has been imprisoned for "planning to rob banks", is one of the number one illuminati researchers in the world. He is...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:15:00 GMT