monster movie profile picture

monster movie


About Me

Monster movie are Christian Savill [Sagittarius] and Sean Hewson [Masculine]. Monster movie were formed in 1989 with a different name and with different people. There have been other names since then. One of Monster movie was in a band called 'Slowdive'. One of them wasn't. Monster movie were formed again in January 2000 under the name Monster movie.

Monster movie released their first, eponymous EP in April 2001 and followed it with an album - 'Last night something happened' - in early 2002. both records were released by 'Clairecords' and received several "reviews". One review, this one, called these first releases 'beautiful' and pronounced Monster movie 'hideous boymen with a very secret but very beautiful plan for this world.'

Listen, Monster movie featured on a split single with 'Dreamend', it was released on the 6th October 2002 by 'Graveface records'. Some people liked it, other people chose to sleep their sad lives away in ignorance. Monster movie then completed their second album offering, 'To the moon', this was released by 'Clairecords' in August 2004. 'To the moon' was a consolidation and elevation of Monster movie's 'gifts'.

Monster movie unleashed 'Transistor' a 7 track mini album for 'Graveface records' in December 2004, with this release Monster movie reached out and touched everyone, whether they wanted to be touched or not.

Monster movie completed their third album 'All lost' in November 2005. Recorded in Weston-Super-Mare for release in April 2006. The new 12 track album features Rachel Staggs of 'Experiemtal Aircraft' & 'Eau Claire' on vocals. Thrillingly, their ability to 'heal and grow' is still present and still unequalled by other men.

Finally and ridiculously, Monster movie have also invented a cosmic dice on which they are the only people to have ever thrown a six. Their wish is your command.


My Interests


Member Since: 7/1/2005
Band Website:
Record Label: Graveface
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Save Arseholes From Satans Power

Monster Movie love Christmas. We also love a Double A-side. And, as the girls that walk passed us in the street know, both sides are always A-sides with Monster Movie. We have been working well hard i...
Posted by monster movie on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:05:00 PST

Last night something happened re released

Our first album 'Last night something happened' has been re released by Clairecords. It has been unavailable for a while. Anyway they have tarted the art work up a bit and bunged on an extra instrumen...
Posted by monster movie on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:01:00 PST

Our gift to you

Listen, you know that Monster Movie worship the old gods (and they worship us). Well, this year we are taking Christmas back from the Christians and giving them nothing in return because they've been ...
Posted by monster movie on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 02:33:00 PST

So long Syd

Very sad to hear that Syd Barrett had passed away. Sean and I were huge fans as young 'uns back in Reading. I even once bought a pair of red jeans because he looked so cool in them, needless to say I...
Posted by monster movie on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:31:00 PST

New web site

Welcome to boyland, We've now got a proper web site. Thank you to Dylan McConnell for designing it. He has also done Dreamend's and The Graveface web sites (among others). You can visit us at monster-...
Posted by monster movie on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:23:00 PST

All lost is out

All Lost by Monster Movie We've received some copies of this, our third (brilliant) album, and it is available from our listen and buy page.Because we say it best when we say nothing at all this is wh...
Posted by monster movie on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 06:59:00 PST

Myspace don't work

We can't currently access our messages, or action the friend requests we have pending at the moment. So if we haven't accepted your friend requests or replied to your messages it's possibly becau...
Posted by monster movie on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:13:00 PST

New album by us

All night long. We've finished. We master the bastard on the 30th of November and then we put it in the magic machine & it appears in all the shops in the world and elsewhere.This is what it is - ...
Posted by monster movie on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 08:29:00 PST

I Know You And You Cannot Sing

Sweet Home Alabama, we're almost there. Listen, we've got one more week of recording to do and Rachel Staggs from Experimental Aircraft is coming along to do some vocals. Hopefully our label lord and ...
Posted by monster movie on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 03:03:00 PST

Looking for a drummer for next year

If anyone wants to be our drummer on our next album (probably best if you live somewhere around the Reading or London area) then please talk to us.In other news our good and talented friends Ryan...
Posted by monster movie on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 02:46:00 PST