Link The Linkster profile picture

Link The Linkster

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Well my name is Link (I'm not tellin you my middle name!) Gilroy. I am about 8 or so months old but it seems like I've been throug hso much already. At about 3 months old I got my first myspace. I wasnt sure exactly how many cats would be on Myspace but apparently theres alot. I met alot of great friends. I dated a girl named Sammy and a really freaky cat named Aggie. She was Scary. Then I met Amber. But unfortunatly we never talk. I guess I just have to start looking again. I dont want to but I feel that we must part ways for now. I got into a bad crowd and I got in trouble for possesion of catnip. You can see my pics. I started "The Cats Meow" which is a Myspace Magazine. But I havnt really gotten any news latly so it wasnt working out. So now I am the founder of PLAYKITTY. I may be young but I have done alot of things in my life and I'm not about to stop now. I'll keep going for as long as I have great friends and hopefully that will be forever. I am toooooooootally into making new friends so add me!

Myspace Layouts at / Retro Wavy

My Interests

Eatin, playin, sleepin, meowin, sittin in da window, purrin, diggin, scratchin, climbin, and being your furriend!


You know, Rap and all that stuff. Whatever gets me going!




Animal planet! Its about the only thing I can relate too!


Hate em!


My furriends!

My Blog

You will get deleted if.....

Every bulletin space that I can see has your name on it. Every bulletin you post is has an add for a friend in it and all the bulletins I see are yours. You complain about little things. Your upsest w...
Posted by Link The Linkster on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 01:17:00 PST

My Miss Purrfect Contest

So my furriend Sicily was in a miss USA contest and it was all based on votes and she almost lost to a big sloburry dog. We all know that when you have contest like these you might as well make them "...
Posted by Link The Linkster on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 08:14:00 PST

*CLOSED* Girlfriend Application *CLOSED*

Name: Age: Breed: What do you think of my personality? Are you online alot? Are you a drama queen? Do you go like posting bulletins? If I had to break up with you for personal reasons would you be ups...
Posted by Link The Linkster on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:10:00 PST