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state is a fear of mind.

About Me

CURRENT MOON moon phase

MySpace Tickers:

My Interests

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."
Matthew 6:22

"But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:23
taking way too long.

the picture is big.

our planet is small.

there's too much to lose. poor george w, holy shit. just click the picture.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."
~Sinclair Lewis

"Oh, Judge, your damn laws! The good people don’t need them, and the bad people don’t follow them, so what use are they?” -Ammon Hennacy

if you stay yourself...

you can't be the same.

I'd like to meet:

nick blinko
howard zinn
the dalai lama
noam chomsky
david icke
paul mccartney



beautiful like marilyn...

crazy like manson.

Anarchy. The word literally means “no government.” That it also means “chaos” is to me the greatest propaganda success ever, since there is no greater chaos than war, and all wars of any magnitude of which I am aware were carried out by governments.



funny subliminal ads...
in the words of the smut peddlers, kill your fucking television.

your mind on shitty television:

this is not shitty television. haha.


currently reading:
ANARCHISM:--The philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary.


these guys:

Some say that the army is necessary to maintain the peace. But why should I continually believe in war to achieve peace? Having an army is likely to INCREASE the likelihood of going to war. Armies are pointless. Simply by being in existence, they encourage war. When they're actually doing something, they're killing.

My Blog


i wrote this like three years ago, before my life was seized by the system for two. LIBERATION! INDIVIDUALITY IS."Music is worth doing just because. It doesn't have to be justified by some political p...
Posted by offbeat on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 05:32:00 PST

the milky way

as seen from...utahsierra, nevadasapello, new mexicohasliberg, switzerlandghubra "bowl", oman (southeast asia)fort davis, texaswhy do some people think the universe is expanding? how could something t...
Posted by offbeat on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:46:00 PST


  this is my channel ...
Posted by offbeat on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:21:00 PST

skinned alive

Posted by offbeat on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:55:00 PST

Top 8 reasons peta2 is in my top eight. four.

"Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of...
Posted by offbeat on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:09:00 PST