About Me
Composée de musiciens
professionnels, passionnés de Swing, cette formation
restitue les airs les plus célèbres qui
perpétuent le succès des orchestres de Jazz des
années 30-40.
This goup, composed of professional musicians fascinated by Swing,
restores the most famous pieces which perpetuate the success of the
jazz orchestras of the 30's-40's.
Les grands standards des
Big Bands de Glenn Miller, Bennie Moten, Duke Ellington, Fletcher
Henderson, Benny Goodman, Count Basie sont dans toutes les oreilles,
toutes les mémoires.
The great classics of Bennie Moten's big band, Glenn Miller,
Duke Ellington, Fletcher Henderson, Benny Goodman, Count Basie are
resonating in everyone's ears, and everyones's
Outre le fait de faire
partager bonheur et émotion à son public,
c'est en uniforme galonné et casquette
d'officier que le " Glenn's Swing Orchestra " vous
propose de revivre cette musique éternelle.
As well as sharing happiness and emotion with the audience, the
“Glenn's Swing Orchestra”, dressed in
American braided uniforms and officer's peaked caps, allows
the audience to step back in time to relive the timeless sounds of this
Le "Glenn's
Swing Orchestra" présente la particularité de
vous proposer un spectacle commenté, un hommage à
Glenn Miller (1904-1944), musicien de jazz américain,
tromboniste, à la tête de l'orchestre
des forces alliées Américaines durant la seconde
guerre mondiale… Une soirée de gala pour les
jeunes comme pour les aînés.
The "Glenn's Swing Orchestra" provide a unique show comments
which is a tribute to Glenn Miller (1904-1944), American jazz musician,
trombonist and leader of the American Allied Forces'
orchestra during the 2nd world war… An evening ideal for
young and old alike.
"Glenn's Swing
Orchestra" c'est le résultat de
l'intense collaboration entre onze musiciens (deux sax altos,
un sax ténor, un sax baryton, deux trombones, deux
trompettes, basse, guitare, batterie) et une chanteuse.
"Glenn's Swing Orchestra" is the product of an intensive cooperation
between eleven musicians (two alto saxophones, a tenor sax, a baritone
sax, two trombones, two trumpets, a bass guitar, a guitar and
percussion) and a singer.
recourt tantôt aux arrangements originaux, tantôt
à des versions retravaillées et personnelles.
The orchestra performs a mixture of original unmodified arrangements as
well as rearranged and personal versions.
Des mélodies
connues, des improvisations raffinées, et un groove moderne
: c'est un cocktail qui vous ravira...
With their cocktail of famous tunes, sophisticated improvisations, and
modern grooves, “Glenn's Swing Orchestra”
is sure to provide a moment of pleasure for music lovers and nostalgic
of me , Seymour Simons & Gerald Marks
Over the
rainbow , EY.Harburg & Harold Arlen
On the sunny
side of the street , Jimmy McHugh
Singin' in
the rain , Arthur Freed & Nacio Herb Brown
In a
sentimental mood , Duke Ellington
nothin' till you hear for me , Duke Ellington
Mack the knife ,
Blitzstein, Brecht & Weill
Summertime ,
G & I Gershwin
Blues March , W.C. Handy
Junction , Erskine Hawkins & William
A string of
pearls , Jerry Gray
Little Brown
Jug , Glenn Miller
In the mood ,
Joe Garland
Patrol , Glenn Miller
choo-choo , Mark Gordon & Harry Warren
Serenade , Glenn Miller
6-5000 , Carl Sigman & Jerry Gray