..::Arman profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ENTP · Extroverted Intuition Aided by Thinking: the "Inventor" type
Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative.
3.2% of the total population.
Dominant Function
The Dominant function is the perceptive one of iNtuition. Characteristics associated with this function include:
· Likes looking at information from a global viewpoint, spotting patterns and relationships, that lead to an understanding of the key issues.
· Focuses more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now.
· Enjoys change, challenge, and variety.
The perceptive iNtuition function is Extroverted. That is, iNtuition is used primarily to govern the outer world of actions and spoken words. The ENTP will therefore:
· Try ideas out, to explore new possibilities and discover, by experience, which ones work.
· Change procedures to see if any improvement can be made, rather than just operate them.
· Be interested primarily in evolutionary development, perhaps with an eye on the strategy.
· Be more interested in exploring ideas than bringing them to closure.
The iNtuition function is primarily supported by introverted Thinking judgment. That is, Thinking judgment is used primarily to manage the inner world of thoughts and emotions. This will modify the way that the iNtuition is directed, by:
· focusing the (outer world) iNtuition on ideas and possibilities that relate to systems and concepts
· inwardly tending to spot the flaws in situations, people or ideas. Rather than expressing criticism directly, it may surface in the form of contradictory ideas and possibilities.
· applying logical analysis to perceived patterns and possibilities, enabling the ENTP to quickly see the underlying principles in a situation.
The classic temperament of an ENTP is Promethean, or Phlegmatic, for whom a basic driving force is the search for competence or excellence.

My Interests

· dancing, food
· eating out
· more dancing, wine
· gallery hopping
· art shows
· cheese

· Spanish
· Robotics and automation
· Analog and digital electronics
· Industrial design, CAD-CAM
· Traditional and digital video editing, 3D graphics
· Electronic music composition

I'd like to meet:

i have slept with you
all night long while
the living and the dead,
and on waking suddenly
in the midst of the shadow
my arm encircled your waist
neither night nor sleep
could separate us


making music ... remixes ... creating patches on digital and analog synths ... sample manipulation and found sounds


My Blog

Plastination is finally in the US!

Thanks to the breakthrough process of plastination, more than 200 real human specimens are displayed to reveal an extraordinary new look inside the human body. Check it out! ...
Posted by ..::Arman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

MCUs for use in interactive, sensor/actuator artworks

The Art Interface Device (AID) is a microprocessor platform for building electronic installation art. It can also be used as an interface between such artworks and computers. It can enable artworks to...
Posted by ..::Arman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST