Industrial Music is my home court, but I like anything that can create a mood. Covenant, Portishead, Tenacious D, Juno Reactor, C-tek, VNV Nation, Army of Robots, The Azoic, Wumpscut, Funkervogt, Enya, Ministry, Skinny Puppy
Swimming with Sharks, Last Supper, The Princess Bride, Stranger than Fiction, Tron, Fight Club, Serendipity, Leon the Professional, Galaxy Quest, Martix, 300, Drunken Master, Finding Nemo, The Killer, Red Dwarf, many many more...
Mythbusters, Deadwood, Rome, So you think you can Dance,Top Model, sucker for bravo's reality shows: Top Chef, Top Design, Shear Genius, Project Runway.
The Song of Ice and Fire- George R. R. Martin; High Fidelity- Nick Hornby; Red Dwarf Novels- Grant & Naylor; The Trouble with Being Born- E.M. Cioran; Otherland- Tad Williams; Harry Potter!! - J.K. Rowling.