Coaching Individuals who want to Grow Their Business; Mentoring Property Investors; Learning; Teaching; Writing; Hiking; Thinking; Reading Crime Fiction; Drinking Red Wine; Old Books and bookstores; Red wine from Latin America; Marbles, Stamps and Memories of Childhood.
YOU and other LIKE MINDED SOULS who are on the journey of life, looking for what makes them tick and what makes them love and laugh, weep and giggle. Romantic vision, soft heart, hungry mind? Come on in! The water's lovely!COACHING CLIENTS and COACHING ENQUIRIES.
If you want to WRITE A BOOK and don't know where to start, or you have a great idea for a values driven business, simply drop me a message here at My Space. I am bound to have some useful questionnaires and documents to help you decide what you want to do next with your writing, and that will help you consider your need for a Writing Coach to work alongside you.HOLISTIC LOCAL.COM
If you have a view of things Green, Organic, Friendly, Environmental, Conscious, Fun and Community focussed, or you just want to network, chat and have fun with thousands of great people - who may well share some of your values - please go to Holistic Local and get yourself registered and be active within the community we have created there especially for YOU!
Eclectic and fairly uninformed! but includes Van Morrison, Fabienne Thibeault, Jackson Browne, Yves Duteil, Enya, Alan Parsons Projects, ELO, Garfunkel, Yves Simon, Waterboys, Silvio Rodriguez, Leonard Cohen, Pablo Milanes, Warren Zevon, Ruben Blades.
Cinema Paradiso; Love in the Afternoon; The Weekend; Dances with Wolves; Field of Dreams; The Shawshank Redemption; 633 Squadron; Band of Brothers; Pay It Forward, It's a Wonderful Life, and loads more. If it makes me cry with sadness, cry with joy or just tugs at my heart then I am bound to love it!
Desperate Housewives; ER; West Wing; CSI.
100 Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez; Sidetracked by Henning Mankell; Up Country by Nelson DeMille; Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks; Fair Stood the Wind for France by H E Bates; The Choice by Og Mandino; The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl; The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly: Letters from my Windmill by Daudet.
Maybe just my Dad... and a few other caring and insightful people who have been my mentors or points of guidance along the way to here. Teachers, Guides and Helpers along the Path are they all.