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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Author, Speaker, and Information PublisherHOW IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY?

Looking for some guidance? Want to see more Cash coming to you? Wondering about the Credit Card and those surprise bills? Recently I have created and launched a fresh site around some of my books on the themes of Personal Finance, the Law of Attraction, Manifesting and principles of Abundance. Using years of observation and experience of working with Property Investors and Small Business Owners, the new book gives you the secrets of the successful financial thinking that ordinary people have used to create their intended results. Sign up at the Money Seminar today and you can immediately enjoy being a part of this. Take advantage of the Newsletters, e-Books, Video postcards and Podcasts available to you from the site. Sign up for Free NOW! by using this link to get the information that will give you a helping hand along the way to Transforming Your Relationship with Money!Subscribe at The Money Download Your FREE Chapter - The Power of AffirmationsHOLISTIC LOCAL.COM
With two friends I also founded and run a social network for like minded people which is Holistic Local. We created this as a great place for people to hook up, blog, share and above all to connect with one another. Be part of Holistic Local.comAUTHOR AND WRITING COACH
I am the author of several books, including the four most recent, all of which are available via Amazon as well as from your own local bookstore:
.....Small Business BIG Profit
.....The Little Book of Abundance
.....The Money Seminar
.....Live Your Best Life
The next two books are:
.....Writing Non-Fiction, and
.....Ask and Receive
I am available to provide an Active Coaching programme to Writers and to work with individuals who want effective help in getting their writing done, and making sure that it sells, and that it creates extra benefits.The Personal Me
I am also a Dad, Oldest Son, Walker of rural footpaths, Reader of Books, Lover of Wonderful People, Thinker of Ideas, and a Collector of Beautiful things. There is a part of me that I would say is very playful, creative, and adventurous. There is another part that wants to sit by the fire and watch the flames with a cup of cocoa / glass of wine. Like most people I would say I am a mix of things. I have a desire to both enjoy life and be of useful service to the life force that flows through all life. I have a strong spiritual side that finds expression through my journal writing and my books. I really enjoy Wisdom Literature and Journal Writing, which so often shares the same threads of Why are We Here? What is My Role in this life? How can I Serve others while Receiving for and of Myself? Each day I am reminded that we teach what we seek to learn and we learn best when we listen the most to what our heart wants us to feel and our spirit wants us to hear. I am the father of two wonderful boys whom I adore. Having always loved Small Business energy and dynamics I have worked for more than 15 years in small business enterprise centres, and written books around small business growth and related topics.

My Interests

Coaching Individuals who want to Grow Their Business; Mentoring Property Investors; Learning; Teaching; Writing; Hiking; Thinking; Reading Crime Fiction; Drinking Red Wine; Old Books and bookstores; Red wine from Latin America; Marbles, Stamps and Memories of Childhood.

I'd like to meet:

YOU and other LIKE MINDED SOULS who are on the journey of life, looking for what makes them tick and what makes them love and laugh, weep and giggle. Romantic vision, soft heart, hungry mind? Come on in! The water's lovely!COACHING CLIENTS and COACHING ENQUIRIES.
If you want to WRITE A BOOK and don't know where to start, or you have a great idea for a values driven business, simply drop me a message here at My Space. I am bound to have some useful questionnaires and documents to help you decide what you want to do next with your writing, and that will help you consider your need for a Writing Coach to work alongside you.HOLISTIC LOCAL.COM
If you have a view of things Green, Organic, Friendly, Environmental, Conscious, Fun and Community focussed, or you just want to network, chat and have fun with thousands of great people - who may well share some of your values - please go to Holistic Local and get yourself registered and be active within the community we have created there especially for YOU!


Eclectic and fairly uninformed! but includes Van Morrison, Fabienne Thibeault, Jackson Browne, Yves Duteil, Enya, Alan Parsons Projects, ELO, Garfunkel, Yves Simon, Waterboys, Silvio Rodriguez, Leonard Cohen, Pablo Milanes, Warren Zevon, Ruben Blades.


Cinema Paradiso; Love in the Afternoon; The Weekend; Dances with Wolves; Field of Dreams; The Shawshank Redemption; 633 Squadron; Band of Brothers; Pay It Forward, It's a Wonderful Life, and loads more. If it makes me cry with sadness, cry with joy or just tugs at my heart then I am bound to love it!


Desperate Housewives; ER; West Wing; CSI.


100 Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez; Sidetracked by Henning Mankell; Up Country by Nelson DeMille; Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks; Fair Stood the Wind for France by H E Bates; The Choice by Og Mandino; The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl; The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly: Letters from my Windmill by Daudet.


Maybe just my Dad... and a few other caring and insightful people who have been my mentors or points of guidance along the way to here. Teachers, Guides and Helpers along the Path are they all.

My Blog

Be Present and Be Available

YOUR ENVIRONMENT.. Be there more often I fully realise that the life I lead now as a writer and speaker is one that came about as a direct result of some goals and dreams that I had from childhood....
Posted by Nick on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:59:00 PST


Visualization While knowing what you want is a useful skill in life and a great way of thinking to move things forward and to improve your circumstances, there is a vast difference between knowing a...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:31:00 PST

Clear it up!

Personal Effectiveness You have just one life and this comprises thousands of single days. How you use your time is something written about in a hundred books.  Lots of people are efficient a...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:31:00 PST

DIY Education

Self-Education...   The best money you can ever spend is money invested in your own mind, expanding the quality of your knowledge and increasing your ability to take control of your circumstance...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

Let them be!

Leave others Be...! Ever notice that people do stupid things that seem to hurt and upset you?  Do you honestly think they really do all the dumb, crazy and stupid things they do, just to get you...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 04:30:00 PST

What Really Unites Us All on My Space

The Real Miracle of My Space? In the course of just a few minutes of clicks I have made contact today with Royston in Cape Town, Tammy in Florida, Leroi in Mumbai, Philip in Somerset and a Mad Po...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:55:00 PST

Get Yourself in Print

  GET YOURSELF IN PRINT! I just read an email from a guy who wants to get started with his first book and does not know whether to go for the vanity press or to print his own book, or to sell to ...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:49:00 PST

Home as a place of Renewal

Make your home a place of  Replenishment and Renewal It is so easy to see your home as simply the place where you sleep before heading out to the world.  Instead look at it with the same ey...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 01:42:00 PST

Choose the Work you will Love

Do Something you Love... Many of us get locked into a routine of traveling to and from work in order to do something we dislike or even despise.  We buy ourselves travel tickets or pick up trans...
Posted by Nick on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:25:00 PST

Work - Make it Something You Love

Do Something you Love... Many of us get locked into a routine of traveling to and from work in order to do something we dislike or even despise.  We buy ourselves travel tickets or pick up trans...
Posted by Nick on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:15:00 PST