Sapphic profile picture


Now, what the cock is that shit?

About Me

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Create Your Own! I am a grown woman with both the sense of humour and the lustings of a 17 year old boy. I can be sweet and charming but have a razor sharp tongue. I have a big heart but dont suffer fools gladly. Or is that will gladly cut out your heart to see you suffer...fool ?Silly and special, naughty and nice. Sweet and evil all bound up with fairy gift wrap, sealed with blood and tied with a bow made of spiders. Oh yeah...and I think friends that pee together stay together!... We like to smile without showing our teeth. And yes, we may look sweet...but we will eat your young!!!!! One of my very dear friends recently asked me "How come you look so purdy yet have such a filthy mouth?"...ahhh tis a gift my friends. Buyer beware! Now, kindly fuck off !-------------------------------------VERY IMPORTANT YOU READ THIS BEFORE EXTENDING YOUR HAND IN FRIENDSHIP, you don't want to draw back a nub I am sure!!!!!! - FIRSTLY..I AM VERY happily married to a wonderful man. I am NOT looking to hook up with any other man, bloke, guy, boy or male of the species so thanks but NO THANKS.
Create Your Own Secondly, it seems that many people on this site simply want to 'collect' names. I find this to be tedious, boring & pointless. From now on I will only be adding real friends or those new people who have taken the initiative and time to embark on a conversation...needn't be anything too deep, but some form of contact. I know...quaint idea isn't it!!!
Your Seduction Style: The Coquette
You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte. And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you. What Is Your Seduction Style?
.. You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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How evil are you?

Your Inner Muse is Thalia

You are most like this playful muse of comedy.Life is all about laughter to you, and you're a natural comic.You make people laugh until their sides split.And you're always up for some play time! What Muse Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

My Interests

My Bloke, Badass Girlies, Louise Brookes, Bettie Page, TATTOOS All manners of chaotic behaviour, Sex & Death, a chameleon-esque existence, vinyl, leather, fetish art, my fabulous friends, indian cuisine, HALLOWEEN..., biting, licking, hair, make-up, having fun with my girls mrreow. Ulitmate Fighting (UFC..."ba-ring it mutha-fucka!") Wrestling with ma Soozie, Jack-fuckin-Daniels, Midget tossing, amputee porn, Getting tattooed a href="" target="_blank" and/or holes poked in my supple young(ish) flesh cutting, slicing chopping (hair of course) cutting, slicing & chopping YOU! Nightime, naked summer pool parties...corrupting beautiful young women on varying levels. Crosswords....yup, I'm addicted to them at the moment. ANIMALS (preferably fur bearing creatures). I have an overwhelming and unconditional love, adoration and respect for animals. People who abuse/mistreat them sicken me. Oh yeah and here's tha famdamily...Me, Mum & the grrlz (Luce & Danni)

I'd like to meet:

like minded individuals...crazy, open minded, down to earth, introspective, loud, quiet, introverted extroverts, Funny, friendly, intense, entertainers. Basically, pretty much anyone with both a dual personality and ...(for the love of all that is fabulous & evil) something interesting to say ;-) Make me smile, make me laugh, make me cry, make me think!Meet, lick, bite - it's all the same to me! meeeooowww


Speedealer, KMFDM, Marilyn Manson, Souxsie, Dropkick Murpheys, Slayer, Honky, F.L.A, NIN, The Cure, The Smiths, DRI, Roller,The Legendary Shack Shakers,Tom Waits, The Reverend Glasseye & his wooden legs, Dead Can Dance, Delerium,The Distillers, Art of Noise (seduction of Debussy) Dixie Witch, Fu Manchu,portishead, massive Attack, Tool & perfect circle,The Specials, The Stranglers, The Selecter, Bad Manners, Fleetwood Mac, Sasha & Digweed, voodoo organist & his devil drums...diverse enough for ya? and the list goes on.. .. width="425" height="350" ..GENITORTURER'S -"TAKE IT" .. width="425" height="350" ..


The Cell, Secretary, Pandora's Box (silent), Girlfriends by Andrew Blake, Fight Club,Wild At Heart, Snatch,Clockwork Orange, House of 1000 corpses, Se7en, Trainspotting, Titus (Andronicus), City of Lost Children, Texas chainsaw massacre, The Women, Elizabeth, plus many others


Carnivale, Deadwood (they swear even more than me...can you believe that shit???) Six Feet Under, Tenacious D (HBO Series), Ultimate Fighting Championship,Ali G, The Office, Strangers With Candy,UFC reality, Sopranos, forensic files


A.N Roqulaire (Sleeping Beauty Trilogy), The other Boleyn Girl, American Psycho, The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe, Da Vinci Code, Memoirs of a geisha. The Constant Princess


Three: My Husband (Sausage Boy)... My Mum And My Grandad. oh yeah, and this guy...

My Blog

My Implant....

...can kick your implant's Arse!...Oh wait, you dont have one? PUSSY! hehehehe,  I am elated, I am trying so very hard not to touch it ....errrr, yeah! Dxxxx
Posted by Sapphic on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 09:55:00 PST

Redneck Roundup

So I am a week late but better late than never...right? I just want to thank all of so very much for all of your good Birthday wishes. I appreciate them very much. I am blessed with great friends as I...
Posted by Sapphic on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:19:00 PST

Lest we forget

No...not an act of terror to rock the world, nor a devastating rash of inclement weather...but Bobby. YAAAY BOBBY!!! "I'm good at sex, you'll like it... keep you in the bedroom so long they...
Posted by Sapphic on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 03:52:00 PST

I fucking heart friends!

What a fabulous ,frollicking and fucked up conversation. Between Grrlz night, sixties gettup and sounds, out of control late night & very public photoshoots, panty shots o' plenty, t...
Posted by Sapphic on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:09:00 PST

All grows up now

 I have stepped into a new phase of adulthood. No more with the little nics and cuts (at work) am I. Instead, I decided yesterday to do it up right and impaled my hand on a huge shard of gla...
Posted by Sapphic on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:41:00 PST

Crimma, Birthdaze and all the trimmings

Well, I had a thhhooper holday season. Filled with love, (...not of the butt kind), in-law family, food & good friends. Santa certainly filled my stockings and last night, for the 1st time, I...
Posted by Sapphic on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:57:00 PST

Crimma Time...

Crimma Time... Ok, so it's almost that time ..fuck this year has gone by so fast. It's true what they say about time flying the older you get. Actually it really IS true. Something to do wit...
Posted by Sapphic on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST

And I wonder why my liver hurts????

It has been a crazy couple of months with much celebratory .....errrrr....stuff. I love my friends...and you can too for the right price.   | View Show | Create Your Own...
Posted by Sapphic on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:30:00 PST

Jalle-Ma-Ween bitches's nearly THAT time again. being that it is my favourite time of year I have been surprisingly lame and lacadasical with regards to festivities. All I knew is that I didn't want to host a party...
Posted by Sapphic on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:27:00 PST

regret much?

I have made many, many mistakes in my life. Yes, I have numerous regrets to boot. However if changing them would alter where or who I am today then, of course, forget it. Life can be just so unfair, a...
Posted by Sapphic on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:48:00 PST