phonograma.blogspot.comPhonoGrama Dub Station eh um projecto soundsystem constituido por um selecta e muita vibracao positiva.
A seleccao passa por musica reggae dub/roots com mensagens de apelo ah consciencia e uniao entre pessoas.
A babilonia existe mas parece estar escondida no comforto da indiferenca e estagnacao.
Muitas ideias/projectos estao na fabrica, mas por enquanto ha que montar de uma forma solida o sistema de som.'We don't want no peace. We want equal rights and justice.'Greetings worldwide massive,
this is a positive vibration soundsystem. Spreading conscious vibes all the while. Me nah deal with guns salutes, strictly drum and bass to mek we tune to the right vibration.
Bobby wrong is all around, hidden in people's confort and indiference while people of the world suffer.
Still building the soundsystem so that it gets louder.
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