Cesar profile picture


Its all or nothing...

About Me

I'm an easy going, fun, wild, romantic, loving, caring, crazy and open minded guy, who loves smiling and making others smile as well ............................................................ ..........................................................I enjoy meeting new people, traveling, and doing random and spontaneous things ............................................................ ..........................................................I love to dance; with someone or by myself!... Currently I do Track & Field. Recently came back from the OutGames in Montreal. I also enjoy jogging, hiking, rollerblading, baseball, camping, fishing, shopping, ice skating, walking, and the list goes on ............................................................ ..........................................................I love pushing the envelope on different things...as you can see from my pics.... People try to stereo-type me... but I don't think I can be put in one category.................. I am a preppy activist who does not fit in a box... I am who I am and I can be however I want to be when ever I feel like being it, as long as I am happy and not hurting anyone...................................................... ............................................................ ....Depending on the day, I can come off as a big party person, while I can be, thats not all me. I party when its party time but at the same time I enjoy reading a good book, watching a movie cuddeling next to someone special or with friends. I'm sort of a homebody person; I like gardening, fixing my car, doing things around the house. Love dogs. I have a puppy named Zoe.Don't judge me before you get to know me. :).......................................................... ............................................................ I like living my life; while being aware of the people around me and try to help those in need. I volunteer several days a month for different organizations. I'm very goal oriented and have achieved several of my goals already...more set each day......................................................... ............................................................ ..Oh, and btw, money does not appeal to me, neither do expensive things... there is more to life than this. While I might have some expensive things I know the difference. ............................................................ ..........................................................I judge success not by how much I have, but on how much I've given....................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........................................................

My Interests

I'm always interested in meeting new people. I love dancing and singing (in the shower, elevator, and car..lol.), jogging, rock climbing, reading, fashion, camping, track & field, being with friends, movies, and sometimes just lounging around and sleeping.

I'd like to meet:

A fun, outgoing, confident, loving, caring guy who can make me laugh and can be random and spontaneous. Someone who is not afraid to be himself. A guy who has a good head on his shoulders, knows what he wants and is not afraid to get it. If you are too into yourself or things that don't matter, please move on. Must be drug free. Is willing to live life and share it with me.


Cher, Queen Latifa, Janet, Jem, Jlo, Shania and Jash Stone, Keith Urban, Missy Elliot. I listen to all kinds of music: pop, hip hop, R&B, house, trance, and sometimes... and I said sometimes-- the occasional country song... Hey if its good... I don't care what it is.... music is music.


Indecent Proposal, All of the movies with CHER!, Finding Nemo, Brokeback Mountain, Bed Fellows, If These Walls Could Talk (1&2), Soldiers Girl, The Trip, Latter Days, anything with a good story...


Don't watch it.


"Dream Boy" by Jim Grimsley, its about two guys finding themselfs, and love for one another. great coming out story. ... "FAGGOTS," its a great book about a guy looking for love in all the wrong places; one night stands, bathhouses- always looking- for love............................"THE WORLD OF NORMAL BOYS"... I love this book, it reminds me of when I was coming out......................"THE 7 HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE" a good friend of mine gave me this book, and now its like my bible! Its great for those who want to be successful, in ANYTHING! business, relationships and family............................................ " If there is a book that you want to read, but hasn't been written yet, then write it. " --Toni Morrison


Harvey Milk, Martin Luther King Jr., My Dad and Mom, My Family and my friends, My 8th grade English Teacher (Ms. Talbot), and my 9th grade English Teacher (Mr. Pleach). Everyday I meet people who change my life; whether they know it or not. Thank you for being my heroes! :)

My Blog

It Happened?

I always told myself that it would never happen. How could it happen, when I was over flowing with it.  Whenever I took a breath; Where ever I closed my eyes; Every time I felt... I loved. Now I...
Posted by Cesar on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:00:00 PST

Just say it

If you are thinking of me... just tell me. If you still love me... just tell me. If you wish you still had me... just tell me. If you regret what you lost... just tell me. If you wish we could be toge...
Posted by Cesar on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:03:00 PST

yesterday, today, tomorrow... always my love

All my life all I've wanted was to fall in love... find love. I thought I had. He hurt me. Years later, he says "I love you"... always had and always will. My philosophy is to give 101% of me, my love...
Posted by Cesar on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:24:00 PST

Crazy... Love... Thoughts.. Feelings.... WHAT?

Love is a rollercoaster? Hell yea.  And I keep wanting to get back on. It scared the S---, out of me.. but... I want to live... and I want to love. I want to stop loving so I wont get hurt..........
Posted by Cesar on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 09:57:00 PST

Love: Autobiography - Chapter 4 (update 1)

I consider myself a romantic.  Always listening to balads (these are love songs, for those romantically challenged).  I also love to dance.  While working at the Club, I meet...
Posted by Cesar on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:27:00 PST

Message from my X

X: HeyI4ever2love: HelloX: i still think about you alot and just wanted to say sorry for the pain I inflicted on you  I4ever2love: LOL... this must be the month when all my X's come back and tell...
Posted by Cesar on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 05:27:00 PST

Love: Autobiography - Chapter 3

Love: Autobiography - Chapter 3Now I have to forget and mend the open wounds.  With Valentines Day a couple of weeks away it would be so difficult.  I've never had a Valentines Day where I s...
Posted by Cesar on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 05:03:00 PST

Love: Autobiography -- Chapter 2

Love: Autobiography   --  Chapter 2I had been waiting so long to call someone my boyfriend and at last he was my first.  He was still trying to get settled in to the city.  He...
Posted by Cesar on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 03:42:00 PST

Why so many My-Space-buddies?

1. Love to meet new people from all over the world. 2. I'm here to network. 3. I am able to bring awareness on different issues to people from all walks of life.  Usually about gay rights. ...
Posted by Cesar on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 03:39:00 PST

Love: Autobiography -- Chapter 1

Love: Autobiography Chapter 1(Olive Juice)By Cesar Z ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ There I sit across from him, eyeing him up and down, tring to not be...
Posted by Cesar on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 02:36:00 PST