the band startet in spring 2003 with the following line-up that has not changed until today: josef weizenbeck (drums), helli killermann (bass), hannes wastl (guitar/vocals) and roland hanisch (guitar/vocals).
after recording a demo-EP in spring 2004 and about twenty concerts all around south germany - also with some "big shots" like SMACKDOWN (swe), STOP IT (usa), REMOVAL (can), SOMETREE (ger) and others - these four young man were already called "the darlings of the bavarian post-hardcore scene" (music union, nuremberg). they sold out the first three hundred CD's by DIY and before touring germany for two weeks in spring 2005 they put out a second three hundred pieces edition of their EP "when error is the idea" on millipede records (nuremberg) which also signed KENZARI'S MIDDLE KATA's debut album that was released on april 10th, 2006. it is distributed by broken silence and finally there has also appeared a vinyl version of the new longplayer. besides, one more song came out on miyagi records (hamburg) in may 2006. so far, they played about a hundred concerts including three tours around germany, austria and switzerland and they were lucky to support bands like BOYSETSFIRE (usa), JR EWING (nor) and ALARMA MAN (swe).
the year 2007 was a bit more quiet, but the guys we're just retiring for writing some new stuff that came out in november 2007 on a split-LP/CD together with some of their very best friends the NIHILISTS from north germany.
if you don't mind german language, check this live interview at it was catched right before a show in freiburg on april 18th, 2006.