About Me
sometimes you play heavy metal music. it's great. it's loud. people beat each other up. then you start to think: is volume all i've got? should one's musical repertoire be limited to headbang-inducing solid-state guitar heaviness? am i a wimp because i kinda like the flying burrito brothers more than slayer? you begin to think that meshuggah really isn't heavy at all, but that part in "when the levee breaks" where the slide guitar comes in... damn, that really punishes. so you dick around with a four track, an acoustic guitar, some cheap microphones, perhaps a fuzz pedal, and whatever else you got collecting dust in yr basement. then you have an epiphany: there's a whole other world of sounds out there. all of the sudden, someone throws money at you and you make some records. this is the part where you're supposed to tour with that band on mtv2 with the moppy dyed-black haircuts and the singer who screeches and the guitar player who does windmills and pretty back-up vocals. you know the band: they're playing warp tour and they have t-shirts with off-center designs at the merch table, and i think they might be selling panties with their band logo screened on them. their primary market is 16 year old girls. really, it isn't too far off from the hair metal years. eyeliner, women's jeans, teased hair... when did danger danger and warrant become popular again? you start to feel a bit old, a bit jaded, a bit smarter than the fresh-outta-high school dudes who are roped into some ridiculous contract. what the hell do you do? you go back into the basement, do what you've always done, and you don't auto-tune your soul. instead, you turn away from the filth and hopefully start to build something new someday. *roy is an ongoing experiment. an in-joke. an excuse to indulge in guilty pleasures. when you're at the bottom you got no one to impress, and you can do whatever the fuck you want.*all hail john train. xoxo
My Blog
News for the new year
well, there is no news. after our short west coast tour this summer we played a couple of shows and slipped into another period of hibernation. we've started talking about doing another record, and ev...
Posted by ROY on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:02:00 PST
live podcast
we were exhausted, hungover, over-caffienated, and a little irritatable, but there's a pretty awesome recording of our last show of tour in spokane. enjoyhttp://www.spokane7.com/music/shows/?ID=111...
Posted by ROY on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 04:58:00 PST
thanks friends... we're home
thanks to everyone who came out to see us on our recent west coast tour. and a big thanks to Some By Sea for being our partners in crime and putting up with our various hijinks. we had the pleasure of...
Posted by ROY on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 04:54:00 PST
We're hitting the road with our good friends Some By Sea this week for a quick west coast trip. this is our first tour in awhile, and it might be awhile before our next one, so get yr ass out! for mor...
Posted by ROY on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:24:00 PST
we're goin' on tour!
west coast tour 2006 june 12-20th. it's currently in the works, but hopefully we'll have all the details up soon...booyah
Posted by ROY on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:01:00 PST
webstore! buy our shit!
check it out...http://store.merchsquad.com/roy
Posted by ROY on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:50:00 PST
Op-Ed Article in April's Alternative Press
hey everyone, i just wanted to give a very broad and generalized thank you to everyone who's written us regarding the Op-Ed article in this month's Alternative Press. The amount of positive feedback h...
Posted by ROY on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:12:00 PST
No Animation??!
best viewed with Flash 8xoxo
Posted by ROY on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:51:00 PST
Finally! we have a webpage aside from this wonderful myspace thingy.www.roytheband.org was launched today... after christening with a bottle of Cooks Extra Dry and a ribbon cutting ceremony by the m...
Posted by ROY on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:27:00 PST
New Record March 14th!!!!
the new record "...Killed John Train" hits stores March 21st on Lujo Records. featuring 12 new songs, the album was self-produced and recorded by the band through the course of early 2005. find out wh...
Posted by ROY on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:49:00 PST