GOTH & DEATH ROCK, PSYCHOBILLY, HORROR PUNK: And Also the Trees, Astrozombies, Bauhaus, Batmobile, Christian Death, Corpus Delicti, Daucus Karota, Dementia 99, Elend, Fields of The Nephilim, Ghost Dance, Ghoultown, Jubal Gog, The Mission UK, Misfits, Nick Cave, Quidam, Rozz Williams, Shadow Project, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Skeletal Family, The Cure, X-Mal Deutschland, Zombina & the Skeletones...
METAL!: Tool, Alice in Chains, A Perfect Circle, Mad Season, Therion, Old Good Metallica, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Witchcraft, Thin Lizzy, Los Natas, Kyuss, Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Ihsahn, Emperor, Danzig...
NEO FOLK, DARk FOLK, DARK AMBIENT, ETHEREAL, ETHNIC, ELECTROMEDIEVAL, ETC ETC: Les Joyaux de la Princesse, Dead Can Dance, Der Arbeiter, Storm of Capricorn, Paranoia Inducta, Ophelias Dream, Loreena McKennitt, Lamia, O Quam Tristis, O Paradis, Marissa Nadler, Woven Hand, 16 Horsepower, etc.
OTHER MUSICS : Aviador Dro, Los Iniciados, Tow Waits, Johnny Cash, Emilie Simon, Chet Baker, Billie Holiday, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin...
H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, E.A. Poe, W.H. Hogdson, M.R. James, Lautreamont, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Lord Dunsany, Borges, Cortázar, Paul Auster, Rubén DarÃo, Manuel Machado, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, José MarÃa Ãlvarez...