Welcome all species! Open 24 hours!
Dear Friends & Foes!
...what happened
to my last profile!
I'm back and that's the only thing which counts.
Hey, my name is Copperhead, I got red hair and freckles. Once I rescued 6 family members out of a burning solarium. I can cook 3-minute-eggs in just 2 minutes and then, I seize the won time for uncover flaws in reasonings of Hegel, Kant and Wittgenstein. In the Amazon, the people admire me as a goddess. Children and small animals trust me.
What else?
I really appreciate your comments and messages, but please use proper grammar. I said: "USE PROPER GRAMMAR!" Damn it! And don’t try to leave silly I-just-dropped-by-to-say-hey-graphics with funny kitten or glitter bass guitars. I’m tired of that crap!
If you are a male/female/whatever,
searching for love/marriage/company or if you want me to see your ‘private
movies’ or webcam (Scary!!!) ...don’t
even think about sending me a stupid message!
you’re not approved, don’t ask again.
I don’t want to see ugly naked people in ugly positions on ugly sofas!
Well you see, I’m just not interested in increasing numbers of friends/adds/what-ever-the-fuck you want to call them. But: cool people who got s.th. to say or to sing are always welcome.
Ever tried, ever
failed. No matter.
Fail again, fail better.
p.s. And if you write the word ‘cool’ as ‘kewl’... mhhh... go back to school, or call your psychiatrist. I’m definitely NOT the one, who can help you with your problems.
Another p.s. You’ve asked if I like Techno-Music... sure, but only unplugged.