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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

How evil are you?

My Interests

music of all types, art, cars, poetry, songwriting, I'm interested in pretty much everything.

I'd like to meet:

Dexter Holland, Kevin "Noodles" Wasserman, Michael "Flea" Balzary, Tom Morello, incubus, Henry Rollins, Blue October, Eddie Van Halen, Bo Huff, George "George The Painter" Fizzell,


ACDC, Adrift, AFI, Afroman, Akuma, All american rejects, Aphex twins, ARCH ENEMY, Audioslave, Avenged sevenfold, Beastie Boys, BiG D and the kids table, Black Flag, Black Zombie Procession, Bloodhound Gang, Bloom, Blue October, Bob Marley, the Briefs, Bush, the Chelsea Smile, CKY, the Clash, Comeback Kid, the Datsuns, Days of the new, Dead Kennedys, Dimmu Borgir, Drowning Pool, Eddie Van Halen, the EEls, Fabulous Disaster, Fly Leaf, Foo Fighters, the Fray, FU MANCHU, Generic, Godsmack, Gorillaz, Gravity Slaves, old Green Day, Guns N Roses, Heideroosjes, Hellbats, HIM, IN FLAMES, INCUBUS,JOHN COLTRAINE Jackyl, Jimi Hendricks, Korn, Leftover Crack, Limp Bizkit, M-Sixteen, Manic Hispanic, Metallic, Mike V and the rars, Modest Mouse, Motorhead, MUCH THE SAME, Nine Eleven, OAR, THE OFFSPRING, Only Crime, P.O. Box, Pantera, Papa Roach, Pennywise, the Pillows, the Presidents Of The United States Of America, psychostick, the Raconteurs, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, Reaction, The Rebel Assholes, The RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, Samiam, Smoke or Fire, Staind, Static-X, Sublime, Tached Out, Tagada Jones, Total Chaos, Trouble Every Day, Turbo AC's, Turbonegro, Twisted Sister, The White Stripes, Wolfmother, ZZ Top..... anything and everything.


don't b a menace 2 south central while drinkin your juice in tha hood-if ya havent heard of it, then you need to go and rent it and watch it! Hell's ANGELS 69, Wild Angels, Easyrider, HELL's ANGELS on wheels, Marlin Brando's The Wild One, Knocked up, blade of glory, Baseketball, grandma's boy, blues brothers/2000, animal house.


Scrubs, MADtv,... anything


anybody thats influenced me in a big way.

My Blog

i didn't write this, butt ma best frend koo did, and i think that everybody should read this!!!

Posted by tom on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:13:00 PST

A survey that requires some thought,not for the meek!

I'm sick of all those surveys that go no deeper then "Do You Think I'm Cute" or "Would you Feltch Anyone on you're Top Eight".!Here's one that make you work before you answer helps if you re...
Posted by tom on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:22:00 PST