My life is being celebrated by traveling all over the world. Next, I'd like to visit India.Other passions of mine include photography, in which I'm assembling a collection focused on health and healing. Natural health and healing are strong pursuits of mine, and I encourage and support the works of Kevin Trudeau, Nicholas Perricone, Deepak Chopra, and Bradley Willcox.I'm developing manuscripts regarding Natural Remedies and Cures for Lupus, Natural Cures for MS, Natural Cures for Fibro, etc.. many health issues and many, many great things for those diseases.Also, I'm assembling a manuscript regarding Healthy Decisions related to the choices you and I make on a daily basis pertaining to dating and relationships, career, health and building wealth.Color Medicine and Therapy is of great interest.We also manufacture superior grades of colloidal silver and supply non profit agencies for use around the world. It's just one way to give back.To relax, I swim, partake of eight ball, golf, play classical piano and violin, and constantly search and converse for new information related to the field of health, healing and natural cures.Kung Fun is an art, and I'm learning the practice of it from some of the masters.Animal rescue is important to me and I often volunteer with Coast2Coast,Dachshunds In Need, and flamingo rescue and relocation.Also, saving the rainforests, Yoga, Pilates, Feng Shui, Tantric Sex, Macrobiotics, organic gardening, recycling, oming for world peace, and oil painting all have places in my life.Astronomy is a hobby, with emphasis on deep space, more so than simple planetary observation.You will find me passionate about health and alternative healing, music and truth.Born under the sign of Pisces, with Sagittarius rising, an Aquarian moon, and with strong influences of Gemini and Scorpio, you have not, and will not ever again know anyone else even remotely similar to me.I've many more interests, never meet a stranger, and try to learn something worthy from everyone I encounter. What you have to share I will probably find interesting and I look forward to hearing and sharing with you. Truly, I'd like to hear your thoughts on a number of concepts and subjects.
Humans with grace and a sense of equity.
People with a rebellious, questioning nature.
Those with a sense of the big picture who aren't afraid to both ask questions and state what they believe to be true.
I would like to connect with real people, please - no glossy eyed innocents. Hopefully, you can introduce me to new music, books and papers I've yet to read, or new concepts of life.
Quirky is good, and especially if you are someone with a braveheart, and one who isn't afraid to care for someone.
If you can understand the freedom and strength in the heart, the power of numbers, dreams, energy and matter, minerals, herbs and botanticals, we could have very interesting exchanges of information.
If you like to travel, a valid passport, and a willingness to park any fear of flying at the door would be lovely.
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Enigma. Sade. Nardi. Soothing, sensous, sultry ? Chances are that I will like it. Classical scores of Bach or Rodetzky.
Very little time or interest for television, especially commercials, so I try to make those moments count: Discovery Channel, TLC, Science Channel, Public Television.
Did Kevin Trudeau write it? Than I probably am recommending it.Also, I enjoy works by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hays, Dr. Mark Chironna and Deepak Chopra.Here are some titles I highly recommend:* Alternative Medicine and The Treatment of Cancer* Beyond The Bleep* Bitter Pills: Inside The Hazardous World of Legal Drugs* Dianetics* How To Make Friends and Influence People* Holocaust American Style* Lose 30 Pounds In Thirty Days: Weight Loss Cures They Don't Want You To Know About* Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion* Racketeering In Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives* Relief For Pennies* Six Strategic Principles For Managers* Sun Tzu and The Art of Business* The Assault On Medical Freedom* The Biggest Secret* The Cancer Conspiracy* The Cancer Industry* The Disease Conspiracy: The FDA Suppression of Cures* The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us* The Wealth of Nations* The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership* Tibetan Book of The Dead* Water Cures: Drugs Kill: How Water Cured Incurable Diseases* You Are Not Sick: You Are Thirsty* 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Alrister Crowley
My dad. My mother. Kevin Trudeau. Ralph Nader. Dr. Phil. Oprah. Mother Theresa. Nelson Mandela. Ameila Earhart. Bono. Doctors Without Borders. Mark Chironna. Ditto, a FEMA rescue canine. TD Jakes. Kevin Bacon. Albert Einstein. Gandhi. The Dalai Lama. Eleanor Rosevelt. Grace Kelly. Jane Goodall, primatologist. Our Troops - regardless of personal opinions of war or Bush. And most of all, my precious red dachshund, Miss Lucy, for all the hearts she has touched.