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I..m Mark Grayson and I..m an Online been marketing online for about 6 years with some success and some horrible failures.I currently reside in New Castle Delaware but I do spend a great bit of time in the New York City area.Before becoming an online marketer I worked in a recording studio that my family owned and I also would D J at parties and Clubs but I became bored with allways been fascinated by the art of Selling.I mean I was amazed by the things people would buy and how it was sold to them.I had to try,I sold everything from wheelchairs and scooters to elderly people to vacation packages online.If you can think of it I sold it E-books,health benifits packages,pre-paid legal even Mlm.
The one thing I learned about myself and other people is that most online marketers prefer Immediate Pay Opportunities.I really only get involved in opportunities that pay right away.Here is the latest thats Paying Fast