Reading, writing poetry and short stories, music, fashion, GPHIG (I luv ya'll!), shopping and meeting great people! Did I mention shopping? More specifically...high heel shoe shopping ;-)
"Shoes are candy for the eye, poetry for the feet, icing on your soul."
~Mimi Pond, Humorist
It's created in my mind, flows thru my pen, and spills from my mouth!
Please press "PAUSE" on my music player (below) before playing video. Thanks RockSolid!
My world is full of beautiful people! Past and present.
Come and hear me melt the mic with my slow grind at a spot near you!
Spillin' a lil' PoeticPassion on the crowd!
I have an appreciation for all types of music, but my favorites are Smooth Grooves, Ol' Skool R & B, Gospel, Smooth Jazz and anything else that's soulful, funky, groovy...and SEXY!
My "Secret Lover"! Betcha' didn't know that!
Romance, Comedy, Suspense.
The news!
The Bible, Romance Novels, Erotica, Non-Fiction, ANYTHING HOTT and STEAMY! Everything!!! I just love to read!!!
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My Mother and my Grandmother. They were the most beautful women to ever walk the earth! They were not just full of physical beauty, but they had an indescribable internal beauty. They taught me how to live and love. They taught me the value of learning life's lessons. Although, I learned many of those lessons long after they were gone. Experience is truly the best teacher.
My golden "Magic Bean". He held my hand and brought me to myself with an incredible amount of pure, gentle, soul-felt goodness & love. Purification by neutralization!
My dogs because they're always happy to see me whether I comb my hair or not!