ballistics. truth. justice. cultural studies of non-culture related items. nameless places on large maps in small scale. love and war, mechanized or merely light infantry. failure on a grand scale. disease as it relates to population dynamics. guitars. sex vs. love. nicotine vs caffeine vs chocolate.
girlz. president elects. reformed mormons. neil's young. freelance corporate whoremongers. punctualization specialists. people who see dead people.
willard grant conspiracy. gnr. peter paul and sometimes mary. metallica, but like, oldskewl. anything with loud guitars. fugazi. punkreas. socially distorted music. green day. eric mcfadden trio. skid row back when sebastian bach lead them in a singing fashion. nothing on the radio. college radio. mirah for reasons unexplained. tom petty because he, like clapton once was, is really god in human form. electric six because they, well, fucking rock. pumpkins, smashed. steve earle. Pixies. offspring. NIN. dead kennedys nirvana fucking morphine man, shit. luna for those quiet moments. liz phair dammit. drive-by truckers. joy division. other bands of ill-repute
apocalypse now fight club requiem taxi driver dr strangelove clockwork the wall anything with bruce lee raising arizona lebowski most other coen bros productions the first rambo but not necessarily any others the usual suspects airplane and other such comedies like blazing saddles and probably other movies i cant really remember like jane addiction's Gift and pulp fiction and escape from new york and escape from LA. Fear and Fucking Loathing
KILLED IT. thanks. but seriously, the only thing EVER worth watching on television, beside MASH of course, was Sledgehammer. fuck that shit was great
HST's stuff, david foster wallace's short little book Infinite Jest, steinbeck and other less famous people
darwin. oppenheimer. steve earle. mike ness. clarence darrow. marie curie. tweeter and the monkeyman.