Zombeast Bio:
Zombeast started in August of 2005 by 4 guys who were raised on nothing but Horror and everything Danzig. With each member looking for an artistic way to express their creativity and frustration Zombeast was born. After one month of practice Zombeast had a full set and was booking shows all over Arizona. In the end of August/Early September Zombeast hit the studio for the first time to record 4 songs. After completion of the recording at Fuck City Studios, studio and Formula 13 Records owner Nasty D offered to release the songs on his label. Entirely greatful of his offer Zombeast set out to find a label that could relate more to their brand of evil brooding death rock. After a highly successful show in which Horror High Records was in attendence, Horror High sought out Zombeast to complete the final track listing of what would later be Horror High Records Presents: "Prom Queen Massacre". In just 11 months, Zombeast's blend of dark agressive rock n' roll spread through out the world like a disease. Their track "Woflskin Killer" was picked up for air play on Arizona's biggest hard rock station 98 KUPD as well on many other stations through out the US. Zombeast has spread like an infection gathering fans of all types through out the world. In July, Zombeast signed to Horror High Records to release their as of yet untilted debut album to be released in the Fall of 2006..
"We're not trying to change people or re-invent anything with our music. We're just four guys with a love for Horror and everything Danzig. We just wanna play music that we think rocks... And hopefully others will enjoy what we do." - Zombeast.
Listen to Samhain.
"Possessed by raw energy, stage presence, and a passion for performing live, Zombeast is gathering an obvious following. Their fiendish blend of rock appeals to an ecclectic collective of fans from sixteen to sixty. Contagiously entertaining, Rock 'n Roll rumbling and visually haunting, Zombeast puts the "fun" back into funereal" - Tristate Scene Magazine
Wolfskin Killer - Click the shirt or "Buy" icon to purchase.
Hellhound - Click the shirt or "buy" icon to purechase.
Black Death - Click the shirt or "buy" icon to purchase.
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