The Video Nasties profile picture

The Video Nasties

Turning your plans right on their heads.

About Me

The Video Nasties started around the end of 2007 in East Mesa, Arizona. They are a rockabilly punk garage style band with a kick of political fire. It all started after a series of typical bull shit moments that most poor kids growing up in the U.S. have to deal with, but not enough of them have enough artistic talent to express it musically.
On lead Vocals we have front man Dally Dirtnap born and raised in Mesa, AZ. He seems to have been ripped out of his mother’s birth canal about 50 years to late, but manages to adjust with his keen sense of 50’s flavor mixed with a dash of 70’s punk rock. Dally has enough energy to put Wisconsin Electric Power Co. out of business.
Cat Man Oblivion born and raised in the fiery pits of Beelzebub’s outhouse (Mesa, AZ) is the lead guitarist and back up vocals for the Nasties. For the amount of musical talent and face melting guitar riffs, he adds double the character to the band. He brings tears of joy as well as pain to even the strongest hearted.
Sick Dick Gonzo is the sassy Mexican bassist for the band with a voice that could kill an angel; although he refrains from using those sweet chords unless he really wants the make a song golden. Sick Dick is an Atheist that will surely burn in hell for all of his sins, but its ok cause who really likes that Jesus character anyways. And not to mention he will be able to hang with Bernie Mac while he’s down there.
Devilyn Bevz is a first generation Mexican Drummer who love’s her some Quantum Physics, and it shows in her percussion skills. She is the pretty little girl in the background hiding behind her drums, but when she starts pounding on those things she even drives the girls in the crowd wild. But you better watch out cause as nice as she is don’t think you can push her around cause if you do, you’ll find your self in a shallow grave.
The Video Nasties bring a sense of hope back to the scene in Arizona and hopfeully if they do nothing else then maybe they will spark something inside the souls of the kids today and we can look forward into the future and maybe see a brighter one, not only for music but for society. STOP SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO NOW!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/4/2007
Band Members:
Influences: Elvis Presley, The Cramps, The Damned, Little Richard, Bad Brains, Eddie Cochran, Joy Division, Hank Williams, The Birthday Party, Gene Vincent, The Stooges, The Sex Pistols, Bo Diddley, T.S.O.L., The New York Dolls, The Gun Club, Howlin' Wolf, The Stray Cats, Dead Boys, The Meteors, The Misfits, The Velvet Underground, The Dead Kennedys, Robert Johnson, The Sisters of Mercy, Demented Are Go, The Clash, Johnny Cash, The Doors, Black Flag, Bauhaus, Jerry Lee Lewis, Nirvana, Link Wray, Roy Orbison, and the musical goldmine known as Sun Records.
Sounds Like: A fuckin' howl from a basement of frustration.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Video Nasties signed to Phantom Cat Records!

We here at Phantom Cat Records have been keeping an eye on this band for quite some time now. We've paid witness to all the controversy and commotion they've been stirring. We've seen all the snarky r...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:11:00 PST

The Video Nasties mentioned by The Phoenix New Times?

Kinda.I just found this today:Written by Niki D'Andrea, of the Phoenix New Times.Dated: Tue May 27, 2008 at 11:17:08 AM"Last week, I posted a challenge of sorts to local music artists, specifically, t...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:31:00 PST

Interview w/ AZ Khaos

Interview with The Video Nasties by Jackie Jett     Unfortunately, most bands today are too concerned about how...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 09:26:00 PST

Cuttin’ a rackerd.

Well, we got 10 songs recorded. We just annihilated all the songs. It was awesome. Crazy Michelle, Slaughterhouse, Sheriff Joe, King of the Bop, The Hills Have Eyes, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, Don't L...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Thu, 08 May 2008 02:06:00 PST

Cats were born to give Chicks FEVER.

Well, it's upon us. We go into the studio on Tuesday May 6th. This recording session will be our very first and we hope to record as many songs as possible. We'll have music posted up on our page aft...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:53:00 PST

I’m so bored with the M.E.S.A.

We’ve written two more songs. ’Sheriff Joe’. Which is about our douchebag local corrupt-as-fuck-Sheriff. We played it at P.V. last Saturday and people just went fucking nuts. No...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:15:00 PST

A bomb from East Mesa.

So here’s the set list as of right now: King of the Bop, Crazy Rochelle, The Hills Have Eyes, Slaughterhouse, Don’t Look This Way, That’s Alright Mama, What’s in the ...
Posted by The Video Nasties on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:34:00 PST

It’s all comin together.

We've got 3 songs in the bank and we're working on more. It's coming along pretty well. Everything is starting to click.  
Posted by The Video Nasties on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:32:00 PST